Table of Contents
Mastery Level 1
Bo of Water [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1 (Craft)
- Range: Personal or 20' (see below)
- Area of Effect: 1 created weapon
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Raises: Damage (+1k0), Duration (+5 minutes), Range (+5')
You summon a staff of pure water, as rigid as the real thing despite its fluid nature. The weapon's default form is a bo, but one Raise can change its form to any other staff of your choosing. The weapon has DR 1k2. If you do not possess the Staves Skill, you may instead use your School Rank in its place. If you do possess the Staves Skill, using this weapon grants you one Free Raise that can only be used on the Knockdown Maneuver. This weapon disappears if it is lost from your hand. Instead of summoning the bo for yourself, you may cause it to appear in the hands of an ally within 20 feet. He is treated as the caster for all purposes of the spell, but he does not gain the Free Raise bonus.
Clarity of Purpose [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1 (Battle)
- Range: Personal
- Area of Effect: 10' radius around caster
- Duration: 2 rounds
- Raises: Area (+5'), Duration (+1 round per 2 Raises)
One of the many strengths of water is in its speed. All allies within the area of effect of this spell gain a bonus of +5 to their Initiative Scores for the duration of the spell.
Ebbing Strength [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1 (Defense)
- Range: 20'
- Area of Effect: 1 target creature
- Duration: 3 rounds
- Raises: Duration (+1 round), Range (+5')
Energy flows through the universe just as water flows through the mortal shell. You may send your energy to another, weakening yourself and strengthening them in the process. You may reduce any one of your Physical Traits by an amount up to your School Rank. The target of this spell increases the same Physical Trait by the same amount. If your Trait is reduced to 0 as a result of this spell, you immediately fall unconscious and the spell's duration is reduced to 1 round. No Trait may be enhanced above double its normal rank by this spell.
Path to Inner Peace [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: None
The water kami can influence the flow of water through the body, dramatically hastening the natural healing process. You can use this spell to heal Wounds that another individual has suffered. This spell restores a number of Wounds to the target equal to the amount by which the Spell Casting Roll exceeded the spell's TN to cast.
Reflections of Pan Ku [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1 (Divination)
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: 1 object
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: None
Divining the abilities of an object is among the simplest lessons a student of water learns in the temple. If this spell is successfully cast on an object, you automatically learn all powers and abilities that object possesses. This is most frequently used to identify any supernatural qualities an item possesses, such as a nemuranai or a cursed weapon, but it can also identify the spell contained within a shugenja's prayer scroll. This spell will not allow a shugenja to read a scroll if it is written in a cipher he does not understand, but he can at least identify the spell in question. This spell will also grant the caster knowledge of the item's origin in very broad strokes, such as where it was forged, the Clan of the individual who has carried it the longest, or something similar at the GM's discretion.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: Body of water up to 500 feet in radius
- Duration: Permanent
- Raises: Area of Effect (+500 feet radius per Raise)
This prayer invokes the purity and cleansing strength of the Water kami to purge flth and contamination from a body of water such as a pond, a moat, or some of a stream or river. The caster touches the water as part of the casting ritual, and the purifcation ripples out from that point in waves of glowing light. This spell renders all the water within the area of effect wholly pure and safe to drink, removing all dirt, disease, and toxins. (However, it cannot purge the Taint.) The purifcation is a one-off event and cannot prevent dirt or poison from returning to the water later.
This spell can also be cast on water inside a single container (such as a bucket, barrel, or bottle). If the spell is cast on an alcoholic beverage (such as sake, shochu, or plum wine) it will purge the drink’s favor and alcohol content, leaving it as pure water.
Reversal of Fortunes [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1
- Range: 10'
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual
- Duration: 3 rounds
- Raises: Duration (+1 round), Range (+5')
Versatility is the domain of water, and those who carry its blessing reap the rewards. For the duration of this spell, the target may immediately re-roll any one roll per round. This must be done immediately after the first roll is completed, and the target may keep either result.
Speed of the Waterfall [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1 (Travel)
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual or creature
- Duration: 1 hour
- Raises: Duration (+10 minutes), Range (may increase to 10' for 2 Raises)
Those filled with the essence of water find their movement far faster than ever before. The target of this spell may move a total distance per round equal to their Water x 20' plus an amount equal to twice your Water Ring. This spell does not grant the target additional movement, it simply increases the maximum possible amount they can move during a Round for the duration of the spell.
Spirit of the Water [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1 (Battle)
- Range: 20'
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: Range (+5'), Special (Increase additional action to Complex for 5 Raises)
The spirit of water is both fluid and rapid. The target gains one additional Simple Action during the Reactions Stage of the Round in which this spell is completed. This Action cannot be used to make an attack.
Suitengu's Curse
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1
- Range: 20’
- Area of Effect: One target creature
- Duration: 10 Rounds
- Raises: Range (+10’ per Raise), Duration (+3 Rounds per Raise)
This prayer invokes Suitengu, the Fortune of the Sea, to drag down the target with the weight of his sullen wrath. The target feels a great weight on all his limbs, as though he is trying to swim in heavy seas. Mechanically, Suitengu’s hostility lower’s the target’s Refexes Rank by 1 and causes him to move as though his Water is 1 Rank lower for the duration of the spell.
Sympathetic Energies [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1
- Range: 25'
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: Range (+5'), Special (see below)
Energy flows between all living things as water flows through the earth. You may transfer any one existing spell effect from you to the willing target of this spell. With 3 Raises, you may transfer 1 spell effect from one living target to another willing target. You cannot transfer spells between unwilling targets.
The Rushing Wave [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1 (Travel)
- Range: 10'
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual
- Duration: 1 round
- Raises: Duration (+1 round), Range (+5')
You can temporarily increase the speed of your target. This spell allows the target to make a Free Move Action of up his Water Ring x 10' (instead of the normal x 5'). Without Raises for Duration, this benefit must be used on the target's next Turn or it is lost.
The Swell of the Storm
- Ring/Mastery: Water 1 (Defense)
- Range: 25’
- Area of Effect: One target creature
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: Range (+10’ per Raise), Area of Effect (+1 target per two Raises), Special (+1k0 on the Con- tested Roll per Raise)
This spell evokes a sudden blast of water that strikes with the heavy, irresistible power of the tide. The water is summoned into existence, fying out from the caster in a heavy mass and striking the target with gentle but nigh-irresistible power. The target must make a Contested Roll of his Strength against the caster’s Water – failure means Knockdown (the target is knocked Prone). The spell will also extinguish any open fames the targets are carrying (torches, lanterns, candles, etc).
This spell can affect Huge creatures, although the GM may wish to award them a bonus on their Contested Roll to refect the greater diffculty of knocking down such large targets.
Mastery Level 2
Cloak of the Miya [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 2 (Defense)
- Range: Personal
- Area of Effect: Self
- Duration: 5 rounds
- Raises: Duration (+1 round)
You wrap yourself in the protective embrace of the wave. Your Armor TN is increased by an amount equal to your Water Ring plus your School Rank for the duration of this spell.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 2 (Crystal)
- Range: Centered on caster
- Area of Effect: 30’ radius around caster
- Duration: 2 Rounds
- Raises: Area of Effect (+5’ radius per Raise), Duration (+1 Round for two Raises, may only be done once)
This prayer evokes the sorrow of the Heavens, unleashing a brief deluge of rain which is endowed with the spiritual purity of the Sun. The spell summons divine rain from the sky, and thus can only be used effectively outdoors – it cannot cause rain to fall indoors or underground. Those of pure soul (no Taint or Shadow corruption, Honor Rank 4.0 or better) who are bathed in Heaven’s Tears are healed each Round by a number of Wounds equal to the caster’s Water. Conversely, those with Taint or Shadow corruption suffer 1k1 Wounds for each Round they are exposed to the Tears.
Inari's Blessing [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 2 (Craft)
- Range: Personal
- Area of Effect: Created sustenance
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: Special (Enough food for 1 additional person per Raise)
Inari is the Fortune of Rice, and one of the most beloved of all divine entities throughout the Empire. this spell invokes Inari's blessing, and creates nourishing food and drink at your command. This spell generates enough food and drink to sustain a number of individuals equal to your School Rank +1 for one day. Without Raises, this food is bland but sustaining, such as unflavored rice and water, but with Raises, you can increase the quality of the food to seafood or tea at the GM's discretion. The TN to cast this spell is doubled when in the Shadowlands.
Judgment Of Yomi
- Ring/Mastery: Water 2
- Range: 50’
- Area of Effect: One individual
- Duration: Concentration (Special)
- Raises: Range (10’), Targets (+1)
While the Lion are known for practically refusing to bring shugenja to battle in most circumstances, the first human Kitsu devised several spells to protect them in combat during the tumultuous time of the early Empire. This spell is one such way in which the Kitsu believed that the spirits of those who came before would be ready to judge and punish the unworthy. When this spell is cast, the target immediately feels the gaze of the Realm of Blessed Ancestors upon them - indeed, the Kitsu was able to bring the attention of the restful dead upon their enemies practically at will. Those who are judged unworthy find their strength sapped and themselves forced away from the caster.
If the target is human, for every Social or Spiritual Disadvantage the victim possesses, he suffers a -1k0 on all physical Skill checks. In addition, he must make an Honor check at a TN of 20 or find he cannot move any closer to the caster than the maximum range of this spell (but is not pushed back if he is already closer). There are no other penalties for failing this Honor check. The penalties of this spell last for a full Round, or for as long as the caster maintains concentration on its effects.
Reflective Pool [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 2 (Divination)
- Range: 10 miles
- Area of Effect: Body of Water / target location
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Raises: Duration (+1 minute), Range (+10 miles)
the inscrutable knowledge of water is a great boon to those who know the means by which it can be invoked. you may stare into a body of water, which may be as small as a puddle, and through it view a familiar location as if you were present, although you can only see what is taking place, not hear it. In order for a location to be familiar to you, you must either have spent a great deal of time there (your home, the dojo, a preferred temple, etc.), or have spent a minimum of ten minutes in meditation at the location. Any body of water can be used for this spell, but since the visions imparted are visual, images depicted will be clearer with larger bodies.
Rejuvenating Vapors [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 2
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: Targets (+1 per 2 Raises)
Water washes away all that is impure, refreshing and reinvigorating all it touches. The target of this spell is instantly refreshed as if he had just arisen from a full night's sleep. This does not restore spent Void Points, but can eliminate fatigue and exhaustion. When used on a shugenja, this spell does restore the spell slots associated with the Void Ring (which can be used for any elements), but not the spell slots associated with other Rings. Abilities that characters may use a limited number of times per day are not refreshed by this spell. No individual can benefit from Rejuvenating Vapors more than once within a 24-hour period.
Stand Against the Waves [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 2 (Battle)
- Range: 10'
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: Range (10' per 3 Raises)
A samurai who possesses the speed and strength of the mighty river is a dangerous foe indeed. The target of this spell gains a Simple Action during the Reaction Stage of the current Combat Round. This action may only be used to make an attack. If the target is incapable of making an attack as a Simple Action, this spell grants him a Complex Action instead. This spell cannot aware a shugenja the ability to cast a second spell in the same Round.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 2
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: Caster
- Duration: 3 Rounds
- Raises: Area of Effect (cast on someone else for two Raises), Duration (+1 Round per Raise)
This spell calls on Water’s affnity to physical strength. The surge of Water kami through the body briefy enhances the muscles, allowing the targeted person to perform prodigious feats. For the duration of the spell, the target’s Strength Rank is increased by an amount equal to half the caster’s Water Ring (rounded down). This cannot raise the Strength Rank higher than 9.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 2 (Battle)
- Range: 10’
- Area of Effect: One target person
- Duration: 3 Rounds
- Raises: Range (+10’ per Raise), Duration (+1 Round per two Raises)
In contrast to the more peaceful and healing aspects of Water, this prayer evokes the power of Water on the attack, unleashing a surge of chi through the target’s limbs to empower his strikes. However, the massive surge of Water kami through the body also makes it diffcult for the target to remain still. The recipient of this prayer enjoys a +1k1 bonus to all Attack rolls, but cannot enter or beneft from the Center Stance and must take at least one Move Action every Round for the duration of the spell. Surging Soul is greatly favored among war-shugenja such as the martial wing of the Kitsu, the Tamori, the Kuni, and the Iuchi, but fnds less acceptance in families like the Asahina and the Isawa.
The Ties That Bind [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 2 (Divination)
- Range: 10 miles
- Area of Effect: Self
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: Range (+2 miles)
Even the lightest touch forges a connection, and through the spirits of water that connection may be explored. This spell allows you to seek out the spirits of Water within a single, specific object. You must be familiar with the object in question, either having spent a great deal of time around it or handled it personally. If the object is within the range of this spell, you will know the direction and relative distance it is from your current position.
Wave-Borne Speed [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 2 (Travel)
- Range: Personal
- Area of Effect: Self
- Duration: 2 Rounds
- Raises: None
The speed of the river can be imparted by knowledgeable shugenja. Your Water Ring is increased by 2 for the purposes of determining how far you may move as part of any Move Actions made during the present Round or the following Round.
Wisdom & Clarity [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 2
- Range: Personal
- Area of Effect: Self
- Duration: 1 hour
- Raises: Duration (+30 minutes), Targets (may target another with 2 Raises)
By entreating the insight of the Water kami, a shugenja may dramatically increase his ability to perceive the world around him. For the duration of this spell, your reading speed doubles, and you will have perfect recall of everything read while under the influence of this spell. This spell does not enhance comprehension, however, so any language or cipher you are not familiar with is still completely indecipherable.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 2 (Travel)
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: Body of water 100’ radius from caster
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: Area of Effect (+50’ radius per Raise)
This spell, named after the legendary spirit known as the Yuki no Onna, persuades the Water spirits in a stream, river, or lake to expel all Fire from their presence, causing the water to instantly freeze. A single natural body of water freezes solid out to a distance of 100’ from the caster. Although this has uses in combat, the most frequent employment of the spell is to allow travelers or soldiers to cross water barriers. Any persons or creatures within the water will be trapped, and if they are under the surface they will suffocate (treat as Drowning). Breaking free of the ice will require a Contested Roll of Strength against the caster’s Water. The ice will melt normally.
Mastery Level 3
- Ring/Mastery: Water 3
- Range: Centered on caster
- Area of Effect: 1 mile diameter
- Duration: 12 hours
- Raises: Area of Effect (+1 mile per two Raises), Duration (+6 hours per Raise)
This spell calls on the Water spirits in the sky to congregate and descend to the earth, unleashing a massive rainstorm. Casting this spell is a ritual requiring at least ten minutes; at the GM’s option, casting this spell in an especially dry region, or during a drought, may require more casting time or require Raises to succeed. Rainclouds gather while the spell is being cast, and once it is completed the clouds open up and rain begins pouring down, continuing without cease for many hours.
The chief value of this spell is to extinguish fres (even large confagrations such as forest fres will be doused within a half hour or so) and to abate the effects of drought. However, the relentless pouring rain also obscures visibility and slickens objects, imposing a -1k0 penalty on all physical actions and a -2k0 penalty on ranged attacks. The rain also imposes a -1k1 penalty on Spell Casting Rolls for Fire spells within it, since the relentless water makes the Fire spirits reluctant to act. Finally, due to the large volume of rain over a short period of time, the spell can potentially cause
fash-fooding (GM’s option).
Near to Ice [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 3
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual
- Duration: 5 rounds
- Raises: Duration (+1 round), Range (increased to 10' with 2 Raises)
As water grows durable and resistant with the coming winter, so too can the water within the human from become sterner and more durable. The target of this spell has all current Wound Penalties negated for the duration of the spell. Any additional penalties incurred take full effect, using the difference between the negated penalty and the new penalty as the effective penalty incurred. Wounds are not healed by this effect, they simply cease to inhibit those suffering from them.
Regrow the Wound [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 3
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual
- Duration: Concentration
- Raises: Special (your Water is increased by 1 for the purposes of healing per Raise)
Water flows into all things and flows out. In flowing out, it can carry away that which is undesirable. The pain and suffering inflicted by injuries can be channeled away from an individual, and cast into the infinite ocean where they are lost forever. The target of this spell recovers a number of Wounds equal to your Water Ring plus your School Rank each round the spell is in effect. You must touch the target when the spell is cast, but after that it may be maintained without physical contact.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 3 (Defense)
- Range: 50’
- Area of Effect: One target person
- Duration: 10 Rounds
- Raises: Duration (+3 Rounds per Raise), Area of Effect (+1 person per Raise)
“The sea is a thing of great destructive power, but also great mercy and salvation.” - Asako Chukage
This spell calls on the power of Water to protect and hide the chosen targets (who must be willing, and can include the caster). The spell can only be cast within range of a large quantity of water in a natural environment – e.g. a pond, stream, or something larger. When the spell is cast, the water lunges out, scoops up the targets, and draws them into the water, concealing them beneath its surface. The targets have enough air to breathe for the duration of the spell, but no longer. The surrounding barrier of water completely protects the targets, but also completely blocks them from any sort of attack against those outside – indeed, they will not even be able to see what is happening above the water unless they can roll Perception at TN 20 to make out the blurry images.
Once the spell’s duration expires, the water releases the targets where they are – they must swim to the surface on their own.
Silent Waters [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 3 (Defense)
- Range: Personal
- Area of Effect: Self
- Duration: Variable
- Raises: None
The memory of the ocean is infinite, and its vast power can lay in wait for a very long time indeed. Upon completion of a successful casting of this spell, you may immediately cast a second spell of any element. This second spell must be a spell you can normally cast, and it must be of Mastery Level 3 or lower. If the second Spell Casting Roll is successful, the second spell is stored within you, and will not activate until a specific physical effect takes place, which you specify at the time of casting. The spell's trigger could be that you speak a certain word, draw a blade, or fall in battle, for example. Whatever the trigger, when it occurs, the second spell immediately takes effect as if you had just finished casting the spell. A character may never benefit from multiple uses of Silent Waters at one time. If the second use of the spell is cast on the same individual, the current "stored" spell is immediately dispelled and replaced with the new one.
Strike of the Tsunami [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 3 (Battle)
- Range: 25'
- Area of Effect: A cone originating from the caster, 10' wide at end
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: Damage (+1k0), Range (+5'), Special (+5 to the Earth Roll TN per Raise)
Water is everywhere, and obeys the commands of its favored shugenja. You summon a crushing wave of water that overruns everything in its path. The wave inflicts 3k3 Wounds on everything within the affected area, and all opponents within the area of effect must make an Earth Roll (TN 15) or suffer Knockdown. Obviously, everything within the area of effect is saturated with water.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 3
- Range: 50’
- Area of Effect: One willing person
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Raises: Range (+20’ per Raise), Duration (+1 Minute per Raise)
This spell evokes the target’s inner Water to the ultimate degree, strengthening it to the point where it completely
overwhelms the target’s other Elements. The target – who may be the caster – is physically transformed into pure
clear water, along with anything he might be wearing or carrying at the moment the spell is cast. This state persists until the spell expires, and while the target is water he cannot speak, attack, cast spells, or directly manipulate physical objects. However, he can move more quickly (performing Move Actions as though he has +1 Rank in his
Water Ring), can indirectly manipulate objects by pushing against them, and can fow his liquid body through narrow openings. (The target’s physical mass does not change, so he cannot squeeze himself into a small box or otherwise evade the constraints of his size.) The target is effectively immune to most physical harm, but Fire spells can damage him, as can truly intense heat such as a burning castle or a lava fow. At the GM’s option, certain types of physical events – such as being scattered or partially soaked up with towels – might also harm the transformed person.
Once the spell’s duration ends, the target’s Elements rebalance and he returns to normal.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 3
- Range: 50’
- Area of Effect: One or more target allies
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: Range (+10’ per Raise), Area of Effect (+1 Target beyond caster’s Water per two Raises)
This spell, sometimes called by the more mundane name “Renewed Energy,” is a variation on the more commonly-
used prayer Rejuvenating Vapors. The spell targets a number of allies within range up to the caster’s Water Rank (additional targets beyond the caster’s Water may be taken with Raises). All of the targets experience a sudden and powerful surge of energy as the spell foods them with invigorating chi. They are freed from the effects of the Fatigued and Dazed conditions, and each target heals a number of Wounds equal to the caster’s Water Rank.
Visions of the Future [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 3 (Divination)
- Range: Personal
- Area of Effect: Self
- Duration: 1 minute
- Raises: None
Although not as reliable as the natural (if extremely rare) gift of foresight or the (equally rare) Void spells that enable divination, this spell still allows powerful visions of the future. It was first developed by the Tonbo family of the Dragonfly Clan, and is found infrequently outside their ranks. The spell requires use of a large pool of still water into which you must gaze. Upon completion of the spell, you enter a brief trance, and see images of things that have not yet come to pass. These images are rarely direct, and tend to by symbolic (violence is depicted as a scene of battle, for instance), but the events foreseen are completely accurate, and will come to pass unless prevented by your direct intervention. Only the shugenja casting this spell may see the events depicted in the vision. Many shugenja believe that use of this spell is a means of thwarting the natural order, and regard both it and those who make use of it negatively.
Walking Upon the Waves [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 3 (Travel)
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual (May be the caster)
- Duration: 10 minutes
- Raises: Duration (+1 minute), Targets (+1 per Raise)
The Water kami buoy those who carry their favor and grant them passage. The target of this spell may move across the surface of water as if it were solid ground (Basic Terrain). If the surface of the water is disturbed, as by a storm, rolling waves, or any other similar event, it counts as Difficult Terrain.
Water Kami's Blessing [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 3
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual (may be caster)
- Duration: 5 rounds
- Raises: Special (your Water Ring is considered 1 rank higher per 2 Raises)
By calling upon the clarity of water, you can receive tremendous insight into the world around you. The target of this spell receives a bonus to all his Perception based rolls, whether Trait Rolls, Skill Rolls, or anything else, consisting of additional rolled dice equal to your Water Ring.
Mastery Level 4
Dominion of Suitengu [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 4 (Divination)
- Range: 100 miles
- Area of Effect: 2 bodies of water
- Duration: Concentration
- Raises: Range (+10)
The Fortune of the Sea is a wrathful entity, but one who nevertheless blesses those who entreat him properly. This spell, created by the Mantis clan, allows you to peer into a body of water, which must be at least one foot across and one inch deep, and see out of any other body of water anywhere in the Empire, so long as it is within range of the spell. This can be at any point along the seacoast, a lake, a river, stream, or even a puddle, but you must know the location of the body of water you are targeting. you can see everything around that body of water as if you were submerged within it. You cannot hear what is taking place, only see it.
Ebb & Flow of Battle [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 4 (Battle)
- Range: Personal
- Area of Effect: All selected allies within 50' radius of caster
- Duration: 5 Rounds
- Raises: Duration (+1 round per 2 Raises)
Mobility is one of the greatest strengths of Water. In a skirmish or a battle, mobility is key to survival. This spell increases the movement speed of all allies within range. You may choose to exclude specific allies from its effects if you choose. All those affected by the spell may move a distance equal to their Water Ring x 10 in feet as a Free Action (this is normally a Simple Action).
Heart of the Water Dragon [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 4
- Range: 25'
- Area of Effect: Target individuals equal to caster's School Rank (may include caster)
- Duration: 1 round per School Rank
- Raises: Duration (+1 round), Special (+1k0 healed per 2 Raises)
The Water Dragon is a benevolent entity, and his blessings are powerful. Any time that a target of this spell suffers damage during the duration, he instantly regains 1k1 Wounds.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 4 (Battle)
- Range: 100’
- Area of Effect: Up to 25 allies in one group
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Raises: Range (+50’ per Raise), Duration (+1 minute per Raise), Special (affect non-samurai, see description)
This spell was originally devised by battle shugenja of the Kitsu and Iuchi families, and remains a favorite among
them. It infuses a military unit with the fowing speed and relentless strength of Water, allowing the soldiers to move more quickly and strike more powerfully on the battlefeld. The caster chooses one group of allies (up to roughly a squadron) to receive this blessing; all troops in that unit may move as though their Water is 1 Rank higher and are considered to have a Strength 1 Rank higher for the duration of the spell.
This spell normally only benefts samurai, but a skilled caster can extend to the blessing to cover other allies. Two
Raises will allow the spell to affect non-samurai humans (e.g. ashigaru), while four Raises will allow it to affect non-human allies such as Naga or Ratlings.
This spell may also be used to affect Mass Battle scenarios. Each casting of the spell during a Mass Battle
awards a bonus equal to the caster’s Water Ring to the total of the commanding general’s next Battle Skill roll to
determine winning or losing.
The Mirror's Smile
- Ring/Mastery: Water 4 (Kolat)
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: Caster
- Duration: 1 Day
- Raises: Special (cast after only seeing the target’s face once, 4 Raises)
You call on the Water kami to make your face become that of another person. This is not an illusion but an actual change to the flesh and bone, re-molding your face to match that of the other person. This is a painful experience and it takes several minutes for the kami to complete the re-shaping. Normally, casting this spell requires you to be familiar with the face of the target (you must have studied it for at least 8 hours), although with enough Raises you can take on a face you have seen only once.
Your face looks exactly like the target’s face, to the point where even close friends and family members will believe you are the target. However, this spell only affects the face, not the rest of the body or the hair. Scars, birthmarks, and other identifying features elsewhere on the body must be replicated or hidden if the deception is to succeed. Also, this spell does not change your voice.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 4
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: Any two people
- Duration: 5 Rounds
- Raises: Duration (+2 Rounds per Raise)
A Unicorn secret spell based on gaijin magic, this spell uses the Water kami’s control over internal energy to briefy create a temporary connection between two people, merging their chi and allowing them to call on each others’ knowledge and skill. The targets must be touched simultaneously by the caster to establish the initial link of Water kami, and must remain within 50’ of each other for the link to continue functioning – if this distance is exceeded, the spell immediately ends.
In game terms, the linked people are able to use each others’ Skills, employing whichever Skill Rank is higher
for a given task. However, they do not gain the benefts of Mastery Abilities.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 4 (Travel)
- Range: 25’
- Area of Effect: One summoned steed
- Duration: 4 hours
- Raises: Duration (+2 hours per Raise)
This prayer was originally developed by the Iuchi, although the Isawa have since devised a similar spell on their own. It summons forth a number of powerful kami, who take the physical form of a watery, translucent horse. The Steed will bear the caster (or one other person designated by the caster at the time the Steed is frst summoned) in the same manner of a normal horse, can be controlled with Horsemanship in the normal way, and will fght selfessly in its rider’s defense; for game purposes, the Steed is considered to have the same mechanical statistics as an Utaku Warhorse, but also has Reduction 15. It is untiring for as long as it remains in existence. Once the spell expires, the Steed collapses into normal water – which can be an unpleasant surprise if someone is still mounted on it.
Strike of the Flowing Waters [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 4
- Range: 10'
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual (may be caster)
- Duration: 1 round
- Raises: Duration (+1 Round), Range (+5')
Water flows over and through obstacles, and so too can those infused with its energy. The target of this spell may ignore bonus to his opponents' Armor TN conferred by worn armor, spell effects of Mastery Level 3 and below, and other non-Technique mechanical effects. Against non-human creatures who do not wear armor, this allows the target to treat their Armor TN as 5 lower. This spell does not negate the Reduction awarded by armor, nor does it ignore the increase to Armor TN conferred as a result of an individual adopting the Defense or Full Defense Stances.
Symbol of Water [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 4 (Wards)
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: Special
- Duration: Permanent
- Raises: None
Priests of the kami are capable of inscribing powerful wards that invoke the power of the elements against all who attempt to pass them. A symbol of water can be inscribed on a solid object, most often a door, window, gate, or any other passageway. Anyone attempting to pass through this passageway or otherwise pass through the area is affected by the protective ward, and must succeed at a Contested Roll using their Fire against the caster's Water. Those who fail are affected by a crippling terror, and must immediately roll against a Fear 7 effect. You may only have one Symbol of Water in existence at any time, and Symbol spells of different elements may never affect the same area. This spell may be dispelled by another casting of Symbol of Water from any shugenja, or by destroying the surface where the Symbol was etched.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 4 (Travel, Imperial)
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: One Imperial road up to ten miles in length
- Duration: 8 hours
- Raises: Area of Effect (+1 mile per Raise)
This spell was originally devised by the Seppun for the purpose of easing and supporting the Emperor’s journeys
to and from the annual Imperial Winter Court. Since then the spell has been applied more widely, but is still quite rare outside of the Seppun family. The spell creates a powerful aura of friendly Water spirits along a specifc Imperial road, easing travel along its length. The road is cleared of all minor obstacles and irregularities (a major physical obstacle such as a fallen tree or a rockslide will not be affected), and the Water spirits cause honorable travelers who are loyal to the Emperor to move as though their Water is 2 Ranks higher so long as they remain on the road. Moreover, the blessing infuses these travelers and their mounts with the energy of Water, causing them not to become Fatigued due to travel so long as they remain on the road.
The Path Not Taken [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 4
- Range: Personal
- Area of Effect: Self
- Duration: 1 day
- Raises: Special (gain 1 bonus spell slot per 5 Raises)
No element can match the sheer versatility and adaptability of Water. Prior to casting this spell, you must select one Ring in which you will be temporarily weakened, and one in which you will be temporarily strengthened. Upon successful conclusion of this spell, you may transfer a number of unused daily spell slots from the weakened Ring to the Strengthened Ring. This spell lasts exactly one day, and then the effects are lost.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 4 (Travel)
- Range: Self
- Area of Effect: 10’ diameter sphere
- Duration: One hour
- Raises: Duration (+1/2 hour per Raise), Special (add an additional person within the bubble for three Raises)
This spell was originally devised by Isawa shugenja trying to locate the legendary undersea kingdom which was supposedly the home of Shiba’s wife. Although they never succeeded in that goal, the spell they created has seen considerable use in the centuries since. Within the Waves persuades the Water kami to hold themselves away from the caster in a spherical formation, thereby forming an air bubble around him. The caster can move the bubble by concentrating, allowing him to explore freely beneath the surface of a river, lake, or even the ocean. (Such movement is at the normal speed based on the caster’s Water.) Other persons can enter and leave the bubble by swimming, and a skilled caster can carry a few passengers along within the bubble’s center. When the spell’s duration expires, the Water kami push the bubble to the surface.
Mastery Level 5
- Ring/Mastery: Water 5
- Range: 20’
- Area of Effect: One target person/creature
- Duration: 1 hour
- Raises: Range (+20’ per Raise), Duration (+1/2 hour per Raise), Special (one additional pair of Traits per two Raises)
This prayer invokes Water’s connection to the fow of Chi through the body, taking control of that fow in order to alter the target’s balance of energy. One “pair” of the target’s mental and physical Traits from the same Element (chosen by the caster) have their Ranks fipped for the duration of the spell. Thus, if the caster chose to fip a target’s Fire Traits, an Intelligence of 2 and Agility of 4 would become an Intelligence of 4 and an Agility of 2 for the duration of the spell. The caster may Raise to affect additional pairs of Traits.
Ever-Changing Waves [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 5 (Illusion)
- Range: Personal
- Area of Effect: Self
- Duration: 1 hour
- Raises: Duration (+1 hour)
Ultimate command over Water can allow flesh to flow like liquid. This spell allows you to physically alter your mortal body, changing your shape to match that of another natural creature. While in this form, you keep your Mental Traits. For Physical traits, you keep whichever is higher, yours or those of the animal into which you have transformed. Other natural abilities are gain as well, including natural weapons or sensory abilities. Some traditionalist shugenja sects look down upon this spell as unclean.
The Final Bond [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 5 (Divination)
- Range: Special
- Area of Effect: 1 target object or individual
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: None
The greatest bonds can never be broken. This spell allows you to detect the location of one object or individual well known to you, regardless of their location. The object must be one you have spent tremendous amounts of time around, or have handled frequently in the past. If the target of the spell is an individual, it must be someone well known to you, such as a member of your immediate family or a close friend. You instantly known their approximate location, but sufficient to tremendously narrow any search (for example, "the city of Ryoko Owari Toshi," or "the northern reaches of the Shinomen Mori"). If the target is outside the Empire of Rokugan, the spell automatically fails.
Hands of the Tides [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 5 (Battle, Travel)
- Range: 100' radius centered on the caster
- Area of Effect: Targets up to the Caster's Water Ring
- Instantaneous
- Raises: Area (+10'), Targets (+1 per 2 Raises)
The exchange of energy via Water is a simple matter that can ultimately lead to the exchange of flesh as well. Within the area of effect of this spell, you may choose a number of willing targets up to your Water Ring. You may switch the positions among those targets as you see fit, exchanging one for another. At the end of the spell, there must be a person in every position that was occupied when the spell began, but who is located where can vary depending upon the number of people affected.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 5 (Battle)
- Range: 300’
- Area of Effect: Trench up to 30’ wide and deep and up to 300’ long
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Raises: Area of Effect (increase width or depth of trench by 5’ per Raise), Duration (+5 minutes per Raise)
This spell calls on the Water kami to hold themselves apart, creating a “trench” through a body of water to allow the passage of men, animals, or even wagons and war machines. The spell is employed primarily by martial shugenja who need to help their clan’s armies to cross river obstacles, but has also been used for more benign purposes, such as helping peasants to escape foods. The spell’s chief limitation is that it cannot always clear the water all the way to the bottom – there is only so much that can be asked of the kami.
Power of the Ocean [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 5 (Defense)
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual
- Duration: A number of days equal to your School Rank
- Raises: Duration (+1 day per 3 Raises)
Perhaps the greatest gift Water can bestow requires a powerful shugenja to impart it to others. This spell is a complex ritual that requires an hour to cast, and can only be cast upon a willing target. For the duration of the spell, the target requires no food, drink, or sleep. A number of times during the duration equal to your School Rank, the target may replenish his Void Points as a Simple Action; this is the equivalent of recovering Void Points via a full night of rest. The target also recovers a number of Wounds per hour equal to twice your Water Ring. If the target of his spell is a shugenja, he regains all expended spell slots at sunrise, regardless of whether he has had any rest.
After the spell expires, the target lapses into a state of complete exhaustion. This last for exactly half the duration of the spell effect. During this time, the target cannot take any significant physical action, and can only move about sluggishly. Travel is completely impossible.
Suitengu's Embrace [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 5 (Thunder)
- Range: 25'
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: Range (+5')
The Fortune of the Sea is wrathful, and requires little prompting by his loyal adherents to smite another. By invoking the Water kami, you can fill a target's lungs with seawater, crippling and potentially killing them. If the spell is cast successfully, the target can take no actions other than to attempt to resist the spell. For all intents and purposes, the target is reduced to the Down Wound Level in terms of his ability to take actions. each round he must make a Stamina Roll (TN 15) to resist. If the target makes three total successes, he spends on additional round vomiting up seawater, and then is fully recovered. However, if the target suffers two consecutive failures, he has fallen unconscious and will die within 1 minute unless some form of magical or medical intervention is made.
Although means of combating drowning are not well known in Rokugan, it is possible to save an individual incapacitated by this spell by making a successful Medicine / Intelligence roll at TN 50.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 5 (Thunder)
- Range: 1 mile
- Area of Effect: Whirlpool 200’ in radius
- Duration: 10 minutes
- Raises: Area of Effect (+25’ radius per Raise), Duration (+2 minutes per Raise)
This prayer is a favorite among the Yoritomo, who are credited with frst creating it. It can only be cast near or on
a large body of open water – a lake or sea. The spell excites the Water kami into a tremendous rage, causing them to create a huge and powerful whirlpool that will suck down any ships or swimmers in the vicinity. Any swimmer caught within the area of effect will be in danger of being sucked under, requiring a roll of Athletics (Swimming) / Strength at TN 30 each Round to avoid this. A ship within the area of effect will likewise be in danger, and the ship’s captain must roll Navigation / Intelligence at TN 30 every minute to keep the vessel from being sucked under.
Once under water, all victims will be subject to Drowning, and can only reach the surface again by rolling Athletics (Swimming) / Strength at TN 40.
Mastery Level 6
- Ring/Mastery: Water 6 (Defense)
- Range: ½ mile
- Area of Effect: A circular area 200’ in radius
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Raises: Area of Effect (+25’ radius per Raise), Duration (+10 minutes per Raise)
This spell is especially popular among the more pacifstic types of shugenja, since it provides a way to avert a battle without actual violence. The spell evokes the full power of hundreds of Water kami to reduce the ground to a half-liquid mire while, at the same time, flling the air with water vapor to obscure vision. Entire armies have been rendered effectively helpless by this spell, unable to move or to strike out at their foes.
In game terms, the spell turns all the ground within the area of effect into Diffcult terrain. The fog reduces normal visibility to 10’. Between 10’ and 30’, characters can discern vague outlines – this imposes a +15 TN penalty on any ranged attacks. Beyond 30’ all characters are effectively Blind.
- Ring/Mastery: Water 6 (Travel)
- Range: 10’
- Area of Effect: One spirit portal
- Duration: 1 hour
- Raises: Duration (+10 minutes per Raise), Special (reach Sakkaku or Yume-do for one Raise, Gaki-do or Toshigoku for two Raises, Yomi for four Raises)
This prayer, a spell known only to the Kitsu and Isawa, invokes the Travel aspect of Water to open a temporary portal into the Spirit Realms. The spell can normally only access the realms of Meido or Chikushudo, but extremely powerful casters can sometimes access Yomi, Sakkaku, Toshigoku, Yume-do, or Gaki-do. The portal lasts only a short time, so passage through it is fraught with risk.
Also, this spell cannot work in any area which has been warded against the infuences of the Spirit Realms (GM’s discretion).
Peace of the Kami [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 6
- Range: Touch
- Area of Effect: 1 target individual
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Raises: None
The ultimate benevolence of the Water Dragon is without measure. The target is instantly cured of all diseases, his system purged of any and all poisons, and all Wounds are completely healed.
Rise, Water [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 6
- Range: 30'
- Area of Effect: 1 summoned spirit
- Duration: Concentration
- Raises: None
The sea itself will take form to defend you. The ultimate actualization of the Summon spell, this spell summons a massive kami of pure water to serve you. It takes the form of a vaguely humanoid shape, roughly ten feet in height, with an outline that constantly shifts and changes due to its fluid construction. The kami may move up to 15' x your Water per round, and saturates the ground in a 20' radius around it, ensuring that all terrain in that area is at least Moderate Terrain (unless it is already Difficulty). The manifest kami is treated as if it has all Physical Traits equal to your Water Ring, and attacks with Jiujutsu Skill Rank equal to half your Water Rank. Damage from these attacks has a DR equal to your Water Ring. For purposes of taking damage, the spirit is considered to have Wounds as though it were a human with Earth equal to your Water Ring, but suffers no Wound penalties. It is Invulnerable. If it is successfully reduced to zero Wounds, it is dispelled.
Water's Sweet Clarity [CR]
- Ring/Mastery: Water 6 (Divination)
- Range: Personal
- Area of Effect: Target body of water
- Duration: 3 rounds
- Raises: None
The greatest form of augury is one that speaks directly and allows others to witness it. By focusing your energy on a still body of water, you can invoke powerful visions of the future based upon your questions. You may ask one question, and the waters will reveal the answer. The answer takes the form of three separate images, which may be connected in any number of ways, including events occurring over time, or perhaps three facets of a single event. Unlike other forms of augury, others may witness these visions as well.