Lost Clans Schools

While these minor clans are not part of Rokugan's canonical Clans, they have been a part of Rokugan's history and have been designed by the team responsible for the fourth edition of Legend of the Five Rings. Their status as canon and use are left up to the GM.

The Bee Clan

The Hachi Family: + 1 Awareness

The Hachi were a small family of sharp witted samurai, led by the five matriarchs descended from the founders of the Clan. Most dedicated their lives to the arts, and to their deeper meanings. They were in their natural element in the highest courts of Rokugan.

Hachi Courtier School

Although it was difficult to realize at times, the Hachi were truly passionate about the arts. They saw the ability to create deeper meaning out of mundane means as the greatest skill of mankind, akin to magic and a gift from the Fortunes. But this also meant they hated to see mediocrity, considering it an offense to the Kami and a stain on one’s honor. As such, the Hachi became merciless courtiers, travelling the courts of Rokugan to dispense their judgments, like magistrates of the fine arts. This gave them significant political clout which, true to their Crane heritage, they never hesitated to use to solidify their position in the Empire.

  • Benefit: +1 Perception
  • Skills: Calligraphy, Courtier (Gossip), Etiquette (Conversation), Games: Sadane, Lore: Fashion, Tea Ceremony, any one Artisan or Perform skill
  • Honor: 6.5
  • Outfit: Three sets of Extravagant Clothing, Wakizashi, Calligraphy Set, 8 koku


Rank 1: The Sting of the Bee
The first thing a Bee samurai learn is how to properly criticize art, finding the smallest of flaws in any work. Rare is the samurai who can measure up to their standards, but for those their reputation is assured. You gain a +2k0 bonus to all Games: Sadane rolls, and to any Artisan or Perform rolls made to appraise the quality of somebody else’s work. If the work of art or performance you’re reviewing was made with at least as many raises as your school rank, the artisan or performer gains an amount of glory points equal to your school rank if you publicly praise them.

Rank 2: Colors of the Season
The Bee know that fashion follows cycles not unlike those found in nature, and choose their outfits accordingly, subtly enhancing their social talents. Before attending court, you can make a Lore: Fashion/Intelligence roll at TN 15 to select your outfit. If successful, you gain a +2k0 to rolls using a specific emphasis of the Courtier or Etiquette skills (ex: all Courtier (Manipulation) rolls, or all Etiquette (Conversation) rolls) for the duration of the day. You can roll again for a new outfit the following day, but must choose the same bonus unless you successfully make two raises on your roll. The GM is free to disallow usage of this technique if your supply of clothing is somehow limited, but the ones included in the school’s starting outfit are considered enough for the purposes of using this technique.

Rank 3: the Words of my Sisters
Members of the Hachi Family are a tightly knit group, and although their activities often cause them to be separated they kept contact through extended correspondence. Using the flowery language of the arts, the Bee were able to communicate information to one another, hidden even to those who might read their letters. By writing a letter and succeeding at a Calligraphy/Intelligence TN 20 roll, the Hachi Courtier can request information from another member of the Family. The letter cannot be fully understood by anyone who doesn’t have access to this technique - the metaphors used are unique to the Bee Clan. The information usually pertains to the arts and fashion, such as upcoming new trends, the rise and decline of specific artists, or the location of performer groups. The information can take from one to four weeks to come, but once obtained can provide a +3k0 onetime bonus on a roll related to it, such as reviewing a piece of art related to the new trend or obtaining favors through showcasing a popular artist.

Rank 4: Shatter the Ego
At this rank, the Hachi courtier learns how to completely destroy the confidence of a samurai based on his works or representation. By succeeding at a roll of the appropriate artisan or performance skill/Awareness, at a TN equal to the roll used to create the work or performance, the Hachi Courtier can spend a Void point to activate this technique. Verbally pointing out the flaws of the performance or work, and through it of the performer or artisan, causes him to suffer from a -2k0 penalty on all further social skill rolls the same day, and prevents him from spending Void points on social skill rolls.

Rank 5: Beyond the Veil
The most senior members of the Bee Clan look for those rare displays of artistic skill which can be considered perfect. For those so attuned to the deeper meaning of the arts, such a sight can be akin to a temporary moment of enlightenment, allowing them to see everything around them more clearly. Upon witnessing a work of art or performance accomplished with at least 5 raises, the Hachi Courtier can roll the appropriate artisan or performance skill/Void, at a TN of 25. If successful the Courtier recovers all spent Void points, and gains three extra Void points on top of his maximum.Those three Void points disappear if not used by the end of the day, and this technique cannot be used more than once a day.

The Raven Clan

The Karasu Family: +1 Stamina

Shaped by a tough existence as warriors and rugged, inhospitable homelands, the Karasu were a hardy people. Taciturn and hard -working warriors, they would frequently travel across the length of the Empire to find honorable employment as mercenaries, usually in service to one of the Great Clans. They reversed most of their profits to the Brotherhood of Shinsei, content to live a life of frugality and service. Karasu Bushi School The Raven Clan thought that as samurai, war was their duty and if war wouldn’t find them, then would find war. Not that they were chasing honor or glory, but they simply saw it as their role in the world.
This didn’t mean they couldn’t positively impact the Empire though, and by contributing to the Brotherhood of Shinsei, they sought to create a more harmonious empire, both in this world and the next. Trained in a wide variety of weapons, the Raven were dangerous foes, for what they lacked in refinement was made up by years of continued fighting experience.

Karasu Bushi School

  • Benefit: +1 Agility
  • Skills: Battle, Hunting, Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu (katana), Kyujutsu, Lore: Theology, any one weapon skill
  • Honor: 5.5
  • Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Travelling Pack, Daisho, Yumi and any 20 arrows, any one weapon, 1 koku


Rank 1: Winds of War
A young Karasu bushi learns that there are many ways to wage war, but like many things in life they are an illusion, and are in fact all one. You gain +1k0 to all your attack rolls, regardless of what weapon you are using. This also applies to unarmed and ranged attacks.

Rank 2: Never Without an Edge
Samurai are warriors, and as such cannot afford to be defenseless at any time. The Raven learns to always be on guard, and to strike hard once the fight begins. You gain +2k0 to all rolls to avoid being surprised. Furthermore, you can add +2k0 to your first damage roll in each fight, regardless of what weapon you are using, or even if unarmed or using improvised or ranged weapons.

Rank 3: The Raven’s Wings
At this point the Raven begins to better understand how all moves flow into a single one, and is able to attack his enemies from many directions at once. You can attack as a simple action when using one of your school skills, including kyujutsu and jiujutsu.

Rank 4: The Fortunes’ Blessing
While mercenaries, the Raven believe they are doing their duty by waging wars for the other Clans in service to the Empire. This faith carries them through many battles, enabling them to push themselves further than other samurai would. You can reduce all your wound penalties by an amount equal to your Lore: Theology skill rank.

Rank 5: No More Light
This dangerous and cruel technique has been said to have been told to Karasu himself by a monk, who had abandoned the blade after using it only once. It allows a Raven samurai to slice at his opponent’s eyes, causing blindness and excruciating pain. To activate it, the Karasu bushi must first spend a Void point, and then succeed on an attack roll with three raises. If successful, the target is blinded for the reminder of the combat.
Additionally, unless the target succeeds at a TN 20 Willpower they are unable to fight, and are considered to be at the Down wound rank until they receive some help. With five raises, instead of three, the target permanently acquires the Blind disadvantage, and the TN of the Willpower to remain standing is now TN30. At the GM’s discretion, usage of this technique can cause an honor loss if inappropriate, such as in a first blood duel or against an unarmed target. It can only be attempted once per day, whether successful or not.

The Shark Clan

The Jirozame Family: +1 Agility

When the mysterious man only known as Jirozame recruited followers for his Clan, there didn’t seem to be much those samurai had in common. But soon it became apparent that the Shark samurai were all brilliant killers, if totally devoid of any empathy. Thus the Jirozame quickly gathered a dangerous reputation, which often prevented retribution for their debauched habits.

Jirozame Bushi School

While his origins remained a mystery for all, Jirozame seemed to have received extensive training in both Kenjutsu and Iaijutsu, and passed those talents on to his followers. The original Jirozame samurai were often talented warriors themselves, and honed their skills by "raiding" villages outside their own territory, somewhat like legitimized bandits. Those samurai brave enough to face them found the Shark to be obsessed with the demise of their opponents, with no concerns for their own safety. While skilled with the katana and in duels, the Jirozame particularly enjoyed using the nodachi, for sheer power and intimidation potential.

  • Benefit: +1 Reflexes
  • Skills: Courtier, Defense, Etiquette, Iaijutsu, Intimidation, Kenjutsu (no-dachi), any one High Skill
  • Honor: 2.5
  • Outfit: Heavy Armor, Extravagant Clothing, Travelling Pack, Daisho, No-dachi, any one weapon, 5 koku


Rank 1: The Shark's Teeth
While many schools cover topics such as first blood dueling and how to disable an opponent without wounding him, the Jirozame Family consider these a waste of time, seeing the kill as the ultimate goal of any warrior. You add twice your School Rank to all damage rolls made with a sword.

Rank 2: Eyes Of the Predator
In the wild many animals are paralyzed when faced with a clearly superior predator, and the Shark bring this attitude to the fight, purging all emotion from their mind to establish superiority. Before initiative is rolled (or before the Assessment roll in a iaijutsu duel) you can make an Intimidation/Awareness roll, contested by your opponent’s Honor/Willpower. If successful, you can add +5 to your Initiative roll, or to your Focus roll in a iaijutsu duel.

Rank 3: Blood Follows
The Jirozame bushi knows that each blows only calls for another, and another, and so on until he or his opponent is no more. You may make attacks as a Simple Actions while using a sword.

Rank 4: The Shark’s Bite
Once a shark holds its prey in its jaws, the fight is almost over, for it will not relent after having tasted blood. If you have wounded an opponent in the current fight already, you gain +3k0 to all further attack rolls against him. This technique only applies to one opponent at a time, which you must pick at the beginning of your turn.

Rank 5: Death Comes
The Jirozame’s disdain for life extends both to themselves and their enemies. Those who fully embrace their philosophy are capable of launching near suicidal assaults, almost always resulting in death - of one fighter or the other. You can activate this technique before initiative is rolled for a fight, and before using your rank 2 technique. You must spend a Void point and adopt the Full Attack Stance to do so.
Once activated, the technique grants you +10 on your initiative roll, the regular +2k1 bonus to Attack Rolls from the Full Attack Stance, and a +2k1 bonus on all damage rolls for the first round. However, your armor TN is reduced to 5 for the entire first round of the fight. This technique cannot be used in an iaijutsu duel.

The Salamander Clan

The Hitokage Family: +1 Intelligence

Born out of a talented shugenja’s naïve mistake and idealistic quest for knowledge, the Hitokage was an eclectic Family. Its members shared a natural curiosity and talent for magic, but often pursued different avenues of knowledge along the course of their travels through the Empire.

Hitokage Shugenja School

When he started to organize his Clan, Hitokage refused to adopt the traditional model which other shugenja school employ. Instead of focusing on one area of magic or a specific element, Hitokage encourage his students to diversify themselves, and to learn the basics of all elements. Without the resources of the Phoenix Clan, this proved difficult, but Hitokage eventually found a balanced approach.
With great effort, this allowed the Salamander to emulate some of the powers of the Void shugenja, although it still wasn’t true Void magic.

  • Benefit: +1 Perception
  • Skills: Calligraphy (Clan Cipher), Etiquette, Lore: elements, Lore: theology, Spellcraft (Spell Research), Sailing, any one skill.
  • Honor: 5.5
  • Outfit: Sturdy Clothing, Travelling Pack, Wakizashi, Calligraphy Set, 3 Koku
  • Affinity/Deficiency: None/none
  • Technique: One Way Through Many Paths - The Hitokage embraces all forms of magic, giving him an unparalleled variety of abilities. You gain one Void spell with each rank, but you cannot cast it as a Void spell. To cast it, you need to spend one spell slot from each one of two opposed elements (one Fire slot and one Water slot, one Earth slot and one Air slot, or two Void slots) and roll your lowest Ring/Rank. You cannot learn any other Void spells than the ones learned through this technique (unless you possess the Ishiken-do advantage) and they are not considered Void magic, but simple elemental spells of your lowest Ring (you can pick in case you have more than one Ring at the same, lowest level).
  • Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, any six non-Void spells (and at least one from each non- Void element) and

The Firefly Clan

The Hotaru Family: +1 Perception

The Hotaru Family was always a small one, even for a Minor Clan, as the Clan Champions were always careful not to overtax the resources of their small Province. However, this was more than enough for them to keep vigil over the coast, and for a few individuals to lend their services as magistrates, scouts or guards in the Empire.

Hotaru Bushi School

The techniques of the Hotaru bushi school were in large part shaped by Hotaru Oshio, Hotaru Jainu’s first yoriki. A ronin who had studied the blade for his whole life, Oshio relished the opportunity to formalize his style and teach it to a new generation as part of a Minor Clan. Oshio had a similar temper to the Clan founder’s, and preferred observation to rushed attacks. His techniques focused on studying the enemy’s style, and adapting to it, only striking when the time was right. Although not as aggressive as other Schools, the Firefly style of fighting served the Clan well in their various duties. Jainu also contributed to the School whenever he could, and it shows some influence from the Shinjo bushi school, including horseback combat.

Benefit: +1 Awareness
Skills: Defense, Horsemanship, Hunting, Investigation (Notice), Kenjustu, Kyujutsu, any one High or Bugei skill
Honor: 5.5
Outfit: Sturdy Clothing, Travelling Pack, Light Armor, Daisho, Steed, Any 1 weapon, 2 koku


Rank 1: the Firefly’s Light
The first lesson of the Firefly bushi school teaches how to assess an opponent before the fight has even begun, gaining an advantage just by picking up on subtle clues. At the beginning of the fight and before initiative is rolled, you may roll Investigation/Awareness opposed by the opponent’s weapon skill/relevant trait. If successful, you may add your Investigation Skill to your Armor TN, to a maximum of Twice your School Rank.

Rank 2: Firefly in Flight
Once the fight has begun, a Hotaru bushi makes subtle corrections to his own moves, making it even harder for his opponent to land a decisive blow. You gain +2k0 to all your Defense rolls, and add +2 to your Armor TN when adopting the Defense stance.

Rank 3: Prepared for the Night
A Firefly bushi knows that the difference between being off-duty and on -duty is just an illusion for the truly honorable. They are always ready to strike, in any situation. Every day, you receive a number of Free Raises equal to your School Rank. They can be used on any School Skill rolls, but never more than one at a time. The raises refresh after a night of sleep.

Rank 4: the Strength of Duty
Assured of his place in the Empire, the Firefly bushi’s strikes show no hesitation. You may attack as a Simple Action when using a samurai weapon or bow, including from horseback.

Rank 5: Twilight Strike
Having perfecting the art of studying his opponent, the Firefly bushi is able to defend and strike in a single move. Immediately after an enemy fails to hit you while you are on the Full Defense Stance, you can spend a Void point to activate this technique. You can immediately attack this opponent, ignoring the restrictions of the Full Defense stance, with a +2k0 bonus on both the attack and the damage roll.

The Tanuki Clan

The Tanuki Family: +1 Stamina

The Tanuki was a small Family of simple samurai, who mostly came from other Minor Clans and as such were used to a lack of luxuries. Used to the toughening forester lifestyle and avid consumers of sake and all kinds of food, many Tanuki were quite rotund, but it would have been foolish for anyone to interpret it as a sign of softness.

Tanuki Bushi School

The majority of samurai thought the Tanuki were somewhere between lunatics and buffoons, pointing to their large consumption of alcohol and odd superstitions, such as never going outside without wearing a broad straw hat, or bowing to the tanuki effigies at the entrance of their home when coming in. A small minority thought their explorations were bearing fruit though, and found the Shinomen Forest to be a somewhat safer place in their presence. The Tanuki never seemed to care much for any opinion, preferring their forest expeditions to discover more about the spirits hiding there, and the parties they held after such trips. To protect themselves, they developed an odd fighting style, which didn’t attract much praise from other bushi Family. Still, the Clan thrived in a dangerous environment, so they must have done at least one thing correctly… or been extremely lucky.

  • Benefit: +1 Agility
  • Skills: Chain Weapons, Defense, Hunting (Survival), Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu, Lore: Shapeshifters, any one High or Bugei Skill
  • Honor: 4.5
  • Outfit: Sturdy Clothing, Travelling Pack, Light Armor, Daisho, Any 1 weapon, Sake Jug, 1 koku


Rank 1: Dance of the Tanuki
The Tanuki’s movements may seem odd to an observer, but still have the same aim as any warrior’s: landing blows on the target. Once per day, after an attack roll (but before re-rolling any dice because of any emphasis), you may turn a single die which rolled a one into a ten, which doesn’t explode.

Rank 2: Sacred Beverage
A real Tanuki samurai is rarely seen without his trusty sake jug in hand, and seems to be constantly sipping from it, even before a fight. Yet this never seems to play against the Tanuki in combat. You suffer no penalty for inebriation in combat. Furthermore, if you’ve had at least one cup’s worth of sake in the thirty minutes preceding the fight, you may add +3 to your Armor TN.

Rank 3 : Swing, Swing, Swing
Missing is not something which bothers a Tanuki samurai, he just keeps attacking, regardless of the circumstances. You may attack as a Simple Action when using a samurai weapon or a chain weapon.

Rank 4: More then One Shape
The Tanuki laugh when they see samurai practicing rigid kata, or speaking of specigic stance. For them, just because one stands and moves one way, doesn't mean the same thing will happen each time. If your Stance this turn is different from your Stance the previous turn, you may add +3k0 to any skill roll this turn. This technique cannot be used on the first turn of a fight.

Rank 5: Part of Both Worlds
At this rank, the Tanuki Bushi is fully aware that the mortal world is only part of reality, and even a simple human may slip out of it, if only for a moment. Once per day, after a successful attack against you but before damage is rolled, you may spend a Void point to activate this technique. You lose all your remaining Void points, but the attack is now considered to have missed, and you suffer no damage or effects from it. To outsiders, this looks like a last moment fluke, but the Tanuki believe they momentarily pass into the spirit world when this happens - up to the GM to decide whether this is true or not.

Tanuki Sake Master [Bushi/Monk]

  • Benefit: +1 Void
  • Skills: Athletics, Defense, Jiujutsu, Meditation (Void Recovery), Staves (Bo), Tea Ceremony (Sake), any one High or Merchant Skill
  • Honor: 2.5
  • Outfit: Straw Hat, Bo Staff, Sake Flask, Promissory Note, Robes, Traveling Pack, Daisho, and 2 Koku
  • Special: Mechanically this School is treated as a Brotherhood Monk School
  • Technique: Just One More Drink - Whenever your character becomes intoxicated by sake, you may double the mechanical effects of spending a Void Point (if applicable). This ability can be used a number of times per session equal to your School Rank. Also, your character can perform the Tea Ceremony with sake. If your character is intoxicated while performing the tea ceremony, participants regain an extra Void Point. You also begin the game knowing two Kiho. You must meet all prerequisites in order to use these Kiho. You may purchase additional Kiho normally as per the rules for a Brotherhood of Shinsei monk. You may also perform Martial Kiho (including Atemi), while using a Bo Staff.

Blue Tanuki's Brand Ambassador [Courtier]

  • Technique Rank: 2 - 4
  • Replaces: Any Tanuki school rank from 2 to 4 of your choice. (Ronin Sake lovers have been known to swear fealty into the Tanuki clan. Those may access this Technique provided that they find a suitable teacher who is sober enough to teach them.)
  • Requirements: Craft: Brewing 3, Temptation 3
  • Technique: One More for the Road - You may use the Temptation skill to entice someone else into entering a drinking contest. While doing so, Temptation is not considered a Low Skill for you. This is a contested roll of your Awareness / Temptation against their Awareness / Etiquette (Courtesy). By spending an Void point, you may immediately roll the same against another bystander, who will join the drinking contest as well, to a maximum number of participants equal to your School rank +1 (not including yourself). All participants who fail to resist must have as many drinks as you do, or a number of drinks equal to your Void Ring, whichever is higher. Those who beat your contested roll may chose to decline, but if there are witnesses, they lose 2 points of Glory.

Needless to say that if this happens in your establishment, the victims need to pay for their drinks (business is business). Failing to do so may incur an Obligation to you, at the GM's discretion.


The Guru's Thousand Fires

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 5
  • Type: Spiritual

Taught to the Tanuki Clan since their transportation to the colonies by 'Yogi Gurus', this kiho allows a Tanuki samurai to turn his most reliable companion, sake, into a most potent weapon. To activate this kiho, you must spend a Void Point and then drink some sake as Simple Action. For a number of rounds equal to your Stamina Rank, you are considered to be mechanically benefiting from the Breath of the Fire Dragon spell.


Able Drinker [Physical] (1 Points)
You can really put the liquor away. This could be due to naturally high constitution, or maybe just a lot of experience. Add 2k1 to the total of Earth Rolls to resist inebriation. Tanuki, Crab and Mantis characters add a 3k1 to the total of Earth Rolls to resist inebriation.

The Peacock

The Kujaku Family: +1 Reflexes

The glamorous Kujaku family are the heads of the Peacock Clan. Their founder, Doji Kujaku was the most beautiful samurai in all the land and son to the Crane Clan Champion during the reign of Hantei XIX. He was a master of the sword and master of wit and left a long string of devastated opponents in his wake. He was also known to be quite the lothario and was rumored to have fathered several children throughout the Empire. In a drunken celebration during a very momentous winter court, Kujaku "accidentally" slept with and subsequently impregnated the Emperor's niece, whom was betrothed to the son of the Phoenix Champion at the time. To save face of both the Imperial line and the Crane, Kujaku was "promoted" to guard the Emperor's prized peacocks. He took to the duty like a good son and served his post until the day he died nearly 18 years later during the Night of Five Fires when the crazed son of the new Phoenix Champion set fire to several buildings within Otosan Uchi. He died saving his wards from the deadly flames and thus maintaining the integrity of his exalted position. In his honor, Hantei XIX posthumously awarded him his own Clan, the Peacock, and named him its illustrious founder. From that day forth, the Kujaku family have served with distinction in their post and are some of the most cunning courtiers and deadly swordsman in all of Rokugan.

New Basic School: Kujaku Bushi School

  • Benefit: +1 Awareness
  • Skills: Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Defense, Etiquette, Perform (choose one), Temptation (Seduction), Animal Handling (Peafowl)
  • Honor: 6.5
  • Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Extravagant Outfit, Daisho, any one weapon, Make-up Kit, Traveling Pack, 5 koku


Rank 1: Vow of the Peacock
The Kujaku are known for their honorable stewardship of the regal birds whose name they bear. When performing the Guard Maneuver you may add your School Rank plus one to the Armor TN of your target, in addition to the normal benefits of the maneuver. Additionally, you have learned that a seductive glance can be just as effective as a swift sword, and gain a +1k0 bonus on your Temptation(Seduction) rolls.

Rank 2: Gaze of a Thousand Eyes
Like the watchful and weary peacock, nothing can get by your gaze. When you assume the Center Stance, you gain a bonus to your Iaijutsu (Assessment) Roll equal to your Animal Handling Skill Rank. You also gain a +1k0 bonus on all rolls to detect ambushes or other unseen opponents.

Rank 3: The Heavenly Array
The spirit of the peacock flows through you, giving you influence similar to that of a male peacock over its harem. When using the Guard Maneuver, you may extend the benefits of the maneuver to a number of targets equal to your Air Ring. Furthermore, you have come to understand that the ways of the peacock are beautiful and glorious, and not something to be looked down upon. You no longer lose honor from using the Temptation (Seduction) skill.

Rank 4: An Impressive Display
Mimicking the graceful speed and deadliness of an enraged mother peahen, you may now make melee attacks with bladed weapons as a Simple Action.

Rank 5: Wrath of the Golden Peacock
At the pinnacle of your training, you realize that the peacock is not just an animal of extraordinary beauty, but that it is also a creature of extreme wisdom and cunning. During the Focus segment of a duel, you gain a Free Raise on your Iaijutsu (Focus) roll for every rank you possess in the Animal Handling skill. In addition, if neither you nor your opponent beats the other's Iaijutsu (Focus) roll by at least 5, you may still make the first strike in the Strike segment of the duel.

Peacock Advanced School: Peacock Provocateur [Courtier]

While many see being assigned as a tender of the Emperor’s favored menagerie as a sign that one has clearly displeased a superior of great influence, many of those who ‘earn’ such a promotion have taken to it with all the devotion and duty that such an important role requires. A small number of them have even managed to learn something from studying such proud and self-important animals.


  • Status: 4.0 or greater
  • Glory: 2.0 or lower
  • Skills: Animal Handling (Peafowl) 5


Rank 1: Deeds of the Peacock
Those who are fortunate enough to earn a place in this highly selective group have learned to wield the power of their position in conjunction with the disregard most of the Empire pays their deeds. If during a contested social roll, your Status is higher than your opponent and your Glory is lower than your opponent, add twice your rank in Animal Handling to the result of your roll.

Rank 2: Grace of the Peafowl
The Peacock is known for its awesome strut and magnificent plumage which it uses to both frighten off enemies and attract mates. You must spend a Void Point to activate this ability. For every consecutive round in which you both move and speak, you gain a cumulative +1k0 to all Intimidation and Temptation rolls to a maximum of +5k0. While this ability is active Intimidation and Temptation do not count as low skills for you.

Rank 3: Call of the Golden Peacock
Once per session you may ‘recommend’ another samurai, with lower status than yours, for service in this most exclusive of positions, they immediately gain a number of status points equal to the difference in status ranks between you. However they also lose 1 full rank of Glory for every point of status they gain as the mere mention of their name in such circles causes others to think that they have fallen into disfavor. This cannot reduce their Glory below their Insight Rank.


Sublime Peacock Style

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 4
  • Schools: Kakita Bushi, Mirumoto Bushi, Peacock Bushi, Seppun Guardsman, Firefly Bushi.
  • Effect: You have mastered a really demonstrative kata to impress your opponents. When in the defense stance and wielding a melee samurai weapon, you can make an intimidation / awareness roll as a simple action with a TN equal to a target opponent's highest ring x 5. While this kata is active, your TN is increased against this opponent by the difference as you totally impressed him.


Gaze Of the Cocotte [Social] (2 Points)
You have the uncanny ability to know who is more susceptible to the wiles of seduction just by looking at them. When engaged in any Social Contests you know instantly when your target has the Lechery Disadvantage. Peacock, Scorpion and geisha characters may purchase this Advantage for 1 point.

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