Sahir Spell

There are five Disciplines, which are groupings of similar powers. If any other requirements beyond invoking Hakhim's Seal are necessary, the spell will mention it.

Each Discipline has three types of spells, and each of those types have three levels of power. You may only choose to learn a higher level of power if you have mastered the previous levels of that spell.

Discipline of Summoning (Air)


These spells permit a sahir to summon and bind a jinn to his will. While all a sahir needs to summon a jinn to bargain with him is the Advantage Servant of the Smokeless Fire, these spells allow a Qabal-trained sahir to ensure that he gets the better of a deal.

Jinn Summoning 1

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 1
  • Range: n/a
  • Area of Effect: One seal.
  • Duration: Immediate.
  • Raises: None.

At this level, the sahir has learned of the esoteric motivations of the jinn and can better predict what they will ask of him while he summons one to do his bidding. By casting this spell on the inscription of Hakhim's Seal before you summon a jinn to it, you gain a bonus in unkept dice equal to your Insight Rank to your Commerce/Awareness roll to bargain with the jinn.

Jinn Summoning 2

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 2
  • Range: n/a
  • Area of Effect: One seal.
  • Duration: Special.
  • Raises: None.

At this level, the sahir no longer needs the Advantage Servant of the Smokeless Fire to summon jinn, and is refunded 4 experience points immediately if he had it. Furthermore, the time necessary to summon a jinn is halved.

Jinn Summoning 3

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 3
  • Range: 25'
  • Area of Effect: One djinn.
  • Duration: Instantenous.
  • Raises: None.

At this level, the sahir learns the secret of manipulating the bonds between sahir and jinn. You may cast this spell to sever a jinn's anchor to this world, effectively banishing it form this plane of existence instantly. This spell may be cast on any jinn, including your own. The Jinn may roll its Void against a TN equal the result of your Spellcasting Roll to avoid being banished.

Primal Elements

The spells of this type allow the sahir to affect the four most basic Elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. These spells were the first worked out by Hakhim, and countless stories of heroic sahir recall timely and wise use of these spells.

Primal Elements 1

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 1
  • Range: 25'
  • Area of Effect: A quantity of matter equal to your own weight.
  • Duration: Concentration.
  • Raises: Special (Affect one more element per Raise), Area of Effect (Affect additional matter equal to your own weight per Raise).

The elements move at the sahir's command. This can cause water to flow uphill, stop windstorms dead, or make fire crawl across bare stone. To cast this spell, you must name the element you wish to affect. If you use this spell to heave stones as a target, resolve it as an Athletics/Agility Roll against the target's Armor TN.

Primal Elements 2

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 2
  • Range: 25'
  • Area of Effect: A quantity of matter no greater than your fist in size
  • Duration: Instantaneous.
  • Raises: Area of Effect (Affect additional matter no greater than your fist per Raise).

The sahir may summon one of the four elements to himself, or destroy some in his vicinity. For example, you can summon air directly in your longs when suffocating, or start a fire after gathering fuel.

Primal Elements 3

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 3
  • Range: Self or Touch
  • Area of Effect: An individual.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: Duration (Additional hour per raise), Area of Effect (Affect additional matter no greater than your fist per Raise).

Without a doubt the strangest of the Primal Elements, the third renders a sahir or a touched target immune to an element. If Air is chosen, the target need no longer breathe and is immune to weather effects. If Earth is chosen, the target may pass through solid barriers as though they were thick fog, and suffers no damage from hitting stone, sand or wood. If Fire is chosen, the target takes no damage from burning, and cannot suffer penalties from smoke or bright light. If Water is chosen, the target need not breathe underwater, suffers no damage from intense water pressure, and cannot be moved by water currents.


The sahir's possessions fall under the Implements purview. These spells ensure that a sahir is never unarmed, and that his foes sometimes are. Implements cover any nonliving thing not covered by the Primal Elements.

Implement Summoning 1

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 1
  • Range: 100'
  • Area of Effect: A quantity of matter no greater than your own weight.
  • Duration: Concentration, then one hour.
  • Raises: None.

The sahir may temporarily bend and warp objects. You may twist or deform said object as you see fit as long as you maintain concentration. Teh change in the object's shape cannot break it.

Implement Summoning 2

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 2
  • Range: Touch/Indefinite
  • Area of Effect: An object you can hold.
  • Duration: Instantaneous.
  • Raises: None.

The sahir can now call objects to him, or send them elsewhere with a gesture. You must have intimate knowledge of the object if you are summoning it, or of the place where you are banishing it if sending it away.

Implement Summoning 3

  • Ring/Mastery: Air 3
  • Range: 100'
  • Area of Effect: A quantity of matter no greater than your own weight.
  • Duration: Concentration.
  • Raises: None.

The sahir's control over inanimate objects now permits him to move them with nothing more than his will, using his Air instead of his Strength or Agility. You may manipulate any object you can perceive as though you were holding it, as long as you maintain concentration. Unlike lower level spells in this purview, this spell can affect living creatures, too.

Discipline of Celestials (Void)


Distance is no obstacle to the diligent sahir. With the spells of Farsight, this is true with regards to his vision. A great deal of knowledge can be garnered with careful use of these spells, and they can protect the secrets of a cautious sahir.

Farsight 1

  • Ring/Mastery: Void 1
  • Range: Personal.
  • Area of Effect: Self.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: None.

The sahir's vision becomes telescopic. This grants you a bonus equal to +3k0 to the total of any Perception-based Skill roll that involves sight.

Farsight 2

  • Ring/Mastery: Void 2
  • Range: 25'
  • Area of Effect: One pool of water.
  • Duration: Concentration
  • Raises: Special (Allows sounds to be transmitted as well for two raises).

With the aid of a placid pool of water or a mirror, the sahir can remotely view another location with which he is familiar. Only sight is transmitted.

Farsight 3

  • Ring/Mastery: Void 3
  • Range: Any.
  • Area of Effect: One Sahir or sorcerer.
  • Duration: Instantaneous.
  • Raises: None.

If the sahir is suspecting he is being watched via either one of the two previous spells or another form of magic, he may end the other sahir's observation abruptly with this spell. The observer is rendered temprorarily blind for a full minute, and suffers Wounds equal to the caster's Void Ring.


The Qabal has had the advantage of observing the astrological techniques of dozens of cultures, and has lifted from each of them the most worthy elements to create a melange of spell that are quite effective. These spells allow a sahir to find answers he could not find elsewhere.

Astrology 1

  • Ring/Mastery: Void 1
  • Range: n/a.
  • Area of Effect: n/a.
  • Duration: Instantaneous.
  • Raises: Special (One more information per Raise)

As initiate of the mysteries between the stars, the sahir is familiar with the method of finding a person's immediate destiny. This spell requires 10 minutes to cast and must be cast at night. If successful, it gives you an oblique clue regarding what the next 24 hour holds for an individual.

Astrology 2

  • Ring/Mastery: Void 2
  • Range: n/a.
  • Area of Effect: n/a.
  • Duration: Instantaneous.
  • Raises: Special (One more information per Raise)

Not a new spell but rather a refinement of the previous, this level improves the sahir's astrological capabilities. You may now ask after places or organizations as well as individuals.

Astrology 3

  • Ring/Mastery: Void 3
  • Range: Personal.
  • Area of Effect: Self.
  • Duration: One night.
  • Raises: Targets (One more target per Raise)

The sahir is powerful enough in Celestials magic that he can obscure his fate from others. If you cast this spell at dusk, you are no longer a valid target for the Mastery Level 1 spell.

Discipline of Black Magic (Earth)

Ghul Creation

Though rarely used by any other than the Jackal-corrupted Qabal sahir, it is possible to create the shambling, hungry undead which haunt the Jewel's sewers. Sahir wishing to make use of these spells are advised to take precautions against being eaten by the target of their spells.

  • Ghul Creation 1
  • Ring/Mastery: Earth 1
  • Range: 25'
  • Area of Effect: One ghul.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: None.

With a small adjustment to Hakhim's Seal and a barked order, the sahir takes hold of a ghul's mind. Two sahir both attempting to control the same ghul must make a Contested Willpower Roll.

  • Ghul Creation 2
  • Ring/Mastery: Earth 2
  • Range: Touch.
  • Area of Effect: One corpse.
  • Duration: Instantaneous.
  • Raises: None.

This spell is a distillation of the effects which create ghouls. You can create a ghul, using a ritual that requires 3 uninterrupted hours and a knife with which to excise the corps's heart. If you use the Mastery Level 1 spell on a ghul of your creation, it lasts 1 day.

Ghul Creation 3

  • Ring/Mastery: Earth 3
  • Range: 25'
  • Area of Effect: One ghul.
  • Duration: Instantaneous.
  • Raises: None.

Now a master of the restless dead, the sahir may destroy ghuls with little effort. When you cast a spell, you may instantly destroy a ghul in your line of sight. Treat this as a Contested Roll of the Sahir’s Earth / Sahir Rank vs. the Ghul’s Insight Rank/Earth. It should be noted that Ghul Lords and intelligent ghul possess insight ranks.


The more appreciated (and learned) purview of the Black Magic, the ability to heal or harm others, is regarded as one of the noblest powers of the sahir. Most people of the Burning Sands assume that all sahir know this group of spells since they are so useful and well-regarded.

Life Magic 1

  • Ring/Mastery: Earth 1
  • Range: Self or touch.
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: Instantaneous.
  • Raises: Effect (+0k1 per Raise).

The Life spell heals the sahir or another upon whom he lays his hands. The target is healed Xk1 Wounds, where X is your Earth ring.

Life Magic 2

  • Ring/Mastery: Earth 2
  • Range: Self or touch.
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: Instantaneo Sus.
  • Raises: Special (Heals magical diseases for two Raises)

Diseases are all too common in the Jewel, with so many people living in close proximity and sharing water sources. This spell cures any mundane illness the target may have, and with 2 Raises, can cure even magically-inflicted versions of mundane illnesses. It only eliminates one disease at a time.

Life Magic 3

  • Ring/Mastery: Earth 3
  • Range: Personal.
  • Area of Effect: Self.
  • Duration: 3 Rounds.
  • Raises: None.

The third Life spell is very strange. It does nothing if cast by itself, but if you cast it directly before either the two preceding spells (by 3 rounds or less), it instead heals a number of persons or creature equal to twice your Insight Rank within arm's reach (no more than 5').


Almost as sinister as the magic of Ghul Creation, Death magic inflicts wounds and disease directly upon those people the sahir wishes. These spells are rightly feared in the Jewel, for not only can they strike a man dead, they may potentially kill everyone standing near him.

Death Magic 1

  • Ring/Mastery: Earth 1
  • Range: 20'
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: Instantaneous.
  • Raises: None.

The sahir directs a savage word in a forgotten language at a target, and the target's flesh is rent. This spell inflicts Wounds (XkX, where X is the user's Scholl Rank) on a person or creature.

Death Magic 2

  • Ring/Mastery: Earth 2
  • Range: 20'
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: Special (The disease becomes permanent for 3 Raises).

The sahir inflicts a disease upon a single target. The effect is temporary, lasting an hour, for it is only a simulation created by magic.

Death Magic 3

  • Ring/Mastery: Earth 3
  • Range: 20'
  • Area of Effect: One or more persons.
  • Duration: Instantaneous/One hour.
  • Raises: None / Special (The disease becomes permanent for 3 Raises).

The third Death spell is functionnally identical to the previous spells, but affects a number of target equal to up to twice the caster's Insight Rank.

Discipline of Control (Water)


The most insidious of magics that the Qabal employs, influence Magic allows a sahir to alter the mind of any person or creature with whom they can communicate. Like most Control spells, the adjustments needed to the Seal are minor, and very easy to miss if the observers don't know what to look for.

Influence Magic 1

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 1
  • Range: 20'
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: Instantaneous.
  • Raises: None.

A Sahir with the most basic understanding of Influence can change facts and perception in the target's mind. This power can only alter details of thought that currently exist in the target's mind, it cannot change the point of the thought itself. This spell first requires a Contested Roll of the Sahir’s Water / Sahir Rank vs. the target’s Willpower / Insight Rank.

Influence Magic 2

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 2
  • Range: 20'
  • Area of Effect: One person.
  • Duration: Instantaneous.
  • Raises: None.

At this level, a Sahir can plant or delete thoughts in the minds of those with whom he makes eye contact. You can look through the target's recent thoughts, and add or delete one. This spell cannot comletely delete a thought; another Sahir can undo the deletion by casting this spell again. This spell first requires a Contested Roll of the Sahir’s Water / Sahir Rank vs. the target’s Willpower / Insight Rank.

Influence Magic 3

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 3
  • Range: 20'
  • Area of Effect: One or more persons.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: None.

The sahir need only bark an order and adjust the Seal and whomever he desires obeys him. You may use this spell to bend to your will a number of people up to your Insight Rank. Each must make a Contested Willpower Roll against you. Those who fail must obey an order for you for the best of their abilities. Whenever they must suffer Wounds, they may make another Contested Willpower Roll.


This form of Control Magic is not commonly known, as all manner of abilities are already ascribed to the sahir, and many of the illusions created by these spells could just as easily be mistaken for the powers of the Summoning Magic. Most sahir are content to allow others to believe that they can really bring forth all manner of wonders, even if some of them are false.

Illusion Magic 1

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 1
  • Range: 100'
  • Area of Effect: One detail.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: Special (Affects one more sense per raise).

Similar to the first spell of influence, the sahir can alter a single detail of a scene laid out before himself. You can affect only one sense with this spell. The illusion is not able to do any damage, as it is intangible, and lasts for 1 hour or until terminated.

Illusion Magic 2

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 2
  • Range: 100'
  • Area of Effect: One illusion.
  • Duration: Instantaneous.
  • Raises: Special (See description).

Any sahir who knows the preceding spell is aware that things may not always be as they appear. This spell undoes the previous one, banishing all illusions. You may however call as many Raises on this roll as Raises were used for this illusion.

Illusion Magic 3

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 3
  • Range: n/a
  • Area of Effect: One sleeping person.
  • Duration: Instantaneous.
  • Raises: None.

This spell, sometimes known as Dream Magic, permits a sahir to invade a person's sleeping mind and fill it with what the sahir desires. It requires a sympathetic-magic link to the target (lock of hair, blood, item of importance, etc.) so that it can’t be used on someone the Sahir has merely heard of. The adjustments to the Seal necessary to cast this spell are intensely elaborate and require hours of premaration, so a wise sahir will begin this spell before his target falls asleep so he will finish as they are dreaming. Casting this spell allows you to walk in the target's mind as if it were a hallway, and look upon his thought as if on display. You may alter thoughts, memories and perceptions as with Influence spells. Each alteration requires a half-hour.


Whereas Influence alters the mind, Transformation alters the body. All of these spells are temporary in duration but they create impressive changes in the physiology of the caster.

Transformation Magic 1

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 1
  • Range: Personal
  • Area of Effect: Self.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: Duration (+1 hour per Raise).

Man has looked upon animals and envied their abilities since time immemorial, but sahir who know this spell look with less envy, for they can borrow this ability. You can exchange one of your body parts for a beast's, receiving the commensurate benefits. The only limitation on this spell is that it cannot grant flight.

Transformation Magic 2

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 2
  • Range: Personal
  • Area of Effect: Self.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: Duration (+1 hour per Raise).

At this level, the sahir can become an animal while retaining his human intellect. Rats and hawks are a popular choice for spying, as are tigers and elephants for combat. You lose access to all school techniques and spellcasting abilities in that form, however.

Transformation Magic 3

  • Ring/Mastery: Water 3
  • Range: Personal
  • Area of Effect: Self.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: Duration (+1 hour per Raise), Special (mimic a specific individual for three Raises)

The most potent of transformative effects, this spell permits the caster to turn himself into any creature he can imagine. Naga, Rakshasa, even jinn can be emulated with this spell. This spell confers none of the magical benefits of the emulated creatures, only the mundane ones.

Discipline of Blessings and Curses (Fire)


Sometimes, all that is required to succeed in one's endeavors is one small nudge in the right direction. Blessings tap into the potential inherant in all beings to excel, and moves them closer to their best effort. Your chances to succeed on a task climb dramatically if you are blessed. A specific task may only receive the benefit of a single blessing, but a Skill can receive any number of Blessings.

Blessing Magic 1

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 1
  • Range: n/a
  • Area of Effect: One task.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: Duration (+1 hour per Raise).

The first and easiest blessing offers only a little help, but it still helps improve the odds in one's favor. You select a single task, usually tied to a Skill, when you cast this spell. For each Roll of the chosen Skill involved in accomplishing the chosen task for the next hour, the target of the blessing gains a +2k0 bonus.

Blessing Magic 2

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 2
  • Range: n/a
  • Area of Effect: One task.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: Duration (+1 hour per Raise).

The second blessing is more potent. As before, you must choose a Skill and a specific task to which the spell applies, but the bonus is now +2k1.

Blessing Magic 3

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 3
  • Range: n/a
  • Area of Effect: One task.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: Duration (+1 hour per Raise).

The most potent blessing a sahir is capable of offers no greater benefit than the second, but is superior because it can be cast in the space of speaking a single word. You may cast it as a Simple Action.


The opposite of Blessings, Curses draws forth the potential any being carries within it to fail, stumble or lose its stride. Typically cast upon one's enemies, Curses are the most common offensive magic used in the Jewel. A specific task may only receive the benefit of a single Curse, but a Skill can receive any number of Curse.

Curse Magic 1

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 1
  • Range: n/a
  • Area of Effect: One task.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: Duration (+1 hour per Raise).

The first curse a sahir can lay upon a target reduces their chances of success, as they make poor decisions and constantly fail to remember their training. You select a single task, usually tied to a Skill, when you cast this spell. For each Roll of the chosen Skill involved in accomplishing the chosen task for the next hour, the target of the curse suffers a -2k0 penalty.

Curse Magic 2

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 2
  • Range: n/a
  • Area of Effect: One task.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: Duration (+1 hour per Raise).

The second curse is more potent. As before, you must choose a Skill and a specific task to which the spell applies, but the pentalty is now -2k1.

Curse Magic 3

  • Ring/Mastery: Fire 3
  • Range: n/a
  • Area of Effect: One task.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Raises: Duration (+1 hour per Raise).

The most feared curse a sahir is capable of offers no greater power than the second, but is superior because it can be cast in the space of speaking a single word. You may cast it as a Simple Action.

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