
The ancient civilization of the Naga rose and fell before humans ever stepped foot on the world, and for many centuries humans were not even aware of them save as strange ruins in the Shinomen Mori. Ironically, although they are known for their peaceful nature and refuse to fi ght against each other, their greatest contributions to the world have been defined by wars, wars reluctantly waged when they believed their cause was right. Long before the fi rst Day of Thunder, the Naga fought the insidious influence of the Nothing and the Shadowlands Taint all across the world. After their great struggle against the Foul, as they called these forces, the Naga left the world behind and entered a Great Sleep. They had foreseen the Foul would rise again in the far future, and the Great Sleep would allow them to be ready to fight when they were needed by the world once more.
To humans, Naga are fantastical creatures: they have the torso and arms of a human but the tail of a massive serpent. Over the centuries, the Naga have crossed paths with the Rokugani more than once. Though conflict was perhaps inevitable, when faced with greater evils the two alien cultures were able to put aside their differences, at least for a time. And if evil rises again in the future, the Naga may return from their Great Sleep once more to stand against the Foul.

Naga Bloodlines
Naga Schools

Naga Specific Abilities

These abilities are automatically available to all Naga at character creation, without any cost in Experience Points.

  • Caste: Status represents a samurai’s standing in the Rokugani, and its replacement ability for Naga is Caste. Caste represents a Naga’s position within the Akasha. A Naga’s Caste determines what jobs he may have and the overall position he holds within the society. A Naga character starts at 2.0 Caste by default, and may raise or lower that rank by performing actions important to Naga society.
  • The Akasha Trait: The Void Ring is the representation of man’s connection with the elements and the ability to draw upon the strength of mortal men to do the impossible. The Naga do not have such a link. Instead, Naga draw power from their connection to the Akasha, the great consciousness that connects all Naga souls. For Naga characters, the Akasha Trait replaces the Void Ring and mechanically functions in the same way, including the ability to spend and regain Akasha Points for the same effects as Void Points. Spells, Techniques, and other effects that target the Void Ring target the Akasha Trait instead; effects that prevent the character from spending Void Points (such as the Disadvantage Momoku) prevent the character from spending Akasha Points instead. Effects that regain Void Points, such as the skills Tea Ceremony and Meditation, affect Akasha Points (but good luck convincing a Naga to perform a Tea Ceremony properly!). Jakla characters have bonus pearl magic spell slots equal to their Akasha Ring, and these can be used to cast additional pearl magic spells in any Element of their choice.
  • Kyujutsu: Naga archers aim at their targets, a radical method that seems foreign and completely ineffectual to most Rokugani. Naga characters use Agility instead of Reflexes when using the Kyujutsu skill.
  • Taint Immunity: All Naga are completely immune to the Shadowlands Taint, and thereby are also incapable of casting maho spells.

Naga Specific Advantages

Amphibious [Physical] (3 Points, 2 Points For Chameleon)
Your gills allow you to breath under water as well as in the air. Naga in their underwater cities must have this Advantage to survive.

Divine Focus [Spiritual] (3 Points)
You have an unusually strong connection with the Akasha. Sometimes, you may concentrate to increase your empathy with the rest of your race. Twice per day, you gain a +1k0 bonus on a Social roll with another Naga.

Enhancing Mutation [Physical] (5 Points, 4 Points For Abominations and Cobra)
You were born with physical alterations that are more beneficial than crippling. You retain your connections with the
Akasha, and you are able to use your changes to help your standing in the Naga civilization. These modifications are so minor they do not impede your status among the Naga.
If you wish to determine the nature of your mutation randomly, roll a single die and gain the benefits listed below. Otherwise, collaborate with your Game Master to develop a specific mutation ability (from the chart or personally created).

  • 1. Fins: You may swim with ease. You gain a +1k0 bonus on Athletics (Swimming)/Agility rolls and when swimming you move as though your Water is 3 Ranks higher.
  • 2. Camouflaging Scales: Your scales blend in with your surroundings, giving you a +1k1 bonus to Stealth rolls.
  • 3. Swift Charge: You move your tail with such speed that your Water Ring is considered to be 1 Rank higher for the purposes of land movement.
  • 4. Night Vision: You may see in darkness as well as in daylight.
  • 5. Enemy Senses: You gain a +2k1 bonus to Perception rolls when trying to track or spot creatures of the Foul (creatures of the Nothing or the Shadowlands).
  • 6. Hardened Scales: Your scales are well formed and strong enough to deflect blows. You gain Reduction 1.
  • 7. Regeneration: Your body is able to regrow lost appendages over weeks of rest. However, this ability is both physically and mentally excruciating.
  • 8. Powerful Spit: You may make a spitting attack (Jiujutsu/Agility) as a Simple Action. This attack ignores armor bonuses to Armor TN and Reduction, and deals 3k1 damage.
  • 9. Venom: Your fangs and claws are coated with a poison that can cripple smaller targets. You gain a +1k1 bonus to all unarmed damage rolls.
  • 10. Fertile: You are revered in Naga society as an adult who is able to continue the dwindling race. You gain 5 points of Caste.

Hunter Of the Foul [Mental] (6 Points)
You have devoted your life to one goal only: the destruction of the Akasha’s enemies. You have vowed to never rest until the world is free of creatures of the Shadowlands, the Lying Darkness, and the Ashalan. You gain a +0k1 bonus on damage rolls against those creatures.

Prehensile Tail [Physical] (2 Points)
You are able to use your tail efficiently, as if it were another one of your limbs. You may use it to lift objects and dexterously maneuver small items.

Student Of the Past [Spiritual] (Varies)
You have a strong connection to your spiritual predecessors, the Naga whose lives and memories helped form your soul from the Akasha. These past lives remain strong within your mind, allowing you to draw on them to help in times of dire need. When you purchase this Advantage, you should devise a name and history for the ancestor whose mind now resides within yours.
Abominations cannot gain this Advantage, as they often have a weak connection to the Akasha.

Naga Specific Disadvantages

Adrift From the Akasha [Spiritual] (3 Points)
A Naga uses his connection with the Akasha as a link with the rest of his society. When a Naga’s bond with the Akasha weakens due to disease, corruption, or other factors, he is instantly alienated by the foreign emotions of being alone. You suffer a -1k0 penalty on all Social rolls and all Willpower Trait rolls.

Cursed Mutation [Physical] (5 Points, 6 Points for Abominations and Cobra)
You were born with physical deformities that must be overcome to find your place among the heroes of your civilization. These defects are visible to those around you, and other Naga wonder if you are a representation of a weakness in the Akasha. They are loath to interact with you lest they suffer the same ignoble fate in their next life.
If you wish to determine the nature of your mutation randomly, roll a single die and gain the effects listed below. Otherwise, collaborate with your Game Master to develop a specific negative mutation (from the chart or personally created). In addition, any time you gain Caste points, you gain one less point. Any time you lose Caste points, you lose one additional point.

  • 1-3. Weakened Health: You are smaller than your fellow Naga, and your body has always been frail. Your Earth Ring is considered one rank lower for the purposes of determining Wound Ranks and resisting disease. This Disadvantage is cumulative with the Bad Health Disadvantage.
  • 4-5. Brightly Discolored Scales: Your scales are a sickly color that catches the vision. Those who see your coloration are often dismayed and fear contagion. You suffer a -1k1 penalty on all Stealth rolls.
  • 6-7. Failing Eyesight: Your eyes never adjusted well outside the egg. You suffer a -1k1 penalty on all sight-based Perception rolls.
  • 8-9. Albino: You are unable to step into direct sunlight without feeling pain along your body. You suffer 1k1 Wounds every twenty minutes you spend in sunlight.
  • 0. Uncontrolled Naar Tebaan. You are heavily deformed with the abominating qualities of the Naar Tebaan, and your presence within the borders of Rokugan causes you physical pain. While you are within the borders of Rokugan, you suffer from all of the other Cursed Mutation penalties listed above. This result also grants you an additional Experience Point above all other modifications. If you roll this result, you may wish to seek mercy and request permission from the GM to reroll: the condition is crippling and should not be incurred solely at random.

Terror of the Foul [Mental] (3 Points)
You have had several traumatic experiences with your enemies that left you with an irrational fear of facing them. All of your TNs are increased by +5 whenever you are near creatures of the Foul or if you are facing them in battle. Additionally, you suffer a -1k0 penalty on damage rolls against the same creatures.

New Equipment

Naga Scimitar
The Naga scimitar is a heavy curved blade that uses its weight and momentum to deal most of its damage. The weapon relies on strength over fi nesse. The blade is not made of folded steel and is weaker structurally than traditional Rokugani weapons. This sword is mainly used by the warriors of Naga society and is eschewed by scouts, vedics, and jakla.

  • Keywords: Large, Naga
  • DR: 2k3
  • Price: 20 koku

Naga Spear
The Naga spear appears to be similar to a yari at first glance, and the weapon is similar in function. However, the weapon is larger to accommodate the Naga’s larger frame. The spear is seven to ten feet in length and can be used with one or two hands with equal ease. All Naga warriors are skilled in its use and it is quite popular with the majority of their people. The Naga Spear is often used as a deadly piercing weapon at extreme ranges; Naga warriors like to rear onto their tail and strike with spears from the second rank of battle. The Naga Spear can be thrown short distances. However, since the Naga have many options at a distance, this option is rarely utilized.

  • Keywords: Large, Naga
  • DR: 3k2
  • Price: 5 koku
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