Kenshi Schools
Kenshi schools are similar to Bushi Schools (and are in fact treated as such for the purpose of learning Katas and gaining Advantages), but only possess one Technique. In addition to that Technique however, the gain three Tokugi at Rank One, and three additional Tokugi whenever they gain an Insight Rank.
Crab Clan Schools
Hiruma Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Stamina
- Skills: Athletics, Defense, Heavy Weapons (Tokugi), Hunting, Lore : Shadowlands, Stealth, any one Bugei Skill
- Honor: 3.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
- Technique: Flesh Forged by Steel – The Crab’s crude and unorthodox mastery of Tokujutsu allows them to destroy their tainted enemies and win against all odds. Whenever you perform a Tokugi, until the next Reaction Stage, you gain Reduction equal to the Tokugi’s Mastery Level. This effect stacks with itself and with any other type of Reduction. You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Earth element.
Toritaka Purifier [Bushi]
- Replaces: Hiruma Kenshi 2
- Requirements: Earth 3, Water 3, Lore: Spirit Realms 3
- Technique: Cut Down the Soul - The Falcon's traditional training against spiritual threats has developed to adapt to the use of Tokugi. When performing Tokugi, you may ignore the Spirit attribute of your targets, dealing full damage to spiritual creatures, and gain a Free Raise on Tokugi rolls made against Spirits. This effect is ineffective against non-spiritual creatures of Jigoku, such as Oni and Undead.
Hida Kensai [Bushi]
- Replaces: Hiruma Kenshi 3
- Requirements: Earth 5, Heavy Weapons 3
- Technique: The Hammer of Steel - Despite the precise and technical Tokujutsu seeming antithetical to the use of heavy armor and weaponry by the Crab, the Hida Kensai have managed to reconcile both philosophies in a lethal blend of finesse and destruction. When performing Tokugi, you ignore any penalty to your Attack Rolls from wearing heavy armor, and add half the armor's Reduction to your Damage Rolls.
Kuni Demon Slayer [Bushi]
- Replaces: Hiruma Kenshi 4
- Requirements: Earth 4, Lore: Shadowlands 5
- Technique: Demon Slaying Circle - As with most tools available to men, Tokugi have been heavily modified by Kuni experts to be tailor-made against demonic creatures. When performing Tokugi, you add +1k0 per Rank of Shadowlands Taint to your Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls against targets you know to be Tainted, Undead, or Shadowlands creatures.
Crane Clan Schools
Kakita Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Reflexes
- Skills: Etiquette, Iaijutsu (Tokugi), Kenjutsu, Polearms, Sincerity, any one Artisan or Perform Skill, any one High or Bugei Skill
- Honor: 6.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
- Technique: Beauty of the Silver Dance – The Crane strikes without thought, yet in uttermost perfection. When you perform a Tokugi upon leaving the Center Stance, you add +3k1 instead of +1k1 to your Attack Roll. You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Air element.
Doji Lawbringer [Bushi]
- Replaces: Kakita Kenshi 2
- Requirements: Air 3, Investigation 3, Lore: Law 3
- Technique: Cut Down the Soul - Quiet observation allows the children of Doji to subdue their opponents by punishing their greed. Whenever an opponent declares five Raises or more when attacking you with a Tokugi, they must call an additional Raise (not subject to the maximum possible number of Raises they can make) for no effect.
Daidoji Steelsoul [Bushi]
- Replaces: Kakita Kenshi 3
- Requirements: Air 3, Earth 3, Defense 5
- Technique: Steel Crane Stance - Ever the talented yojimbo, the Daidoji have studied Tokujutsu long enough to develop techniques meant to reduce its effectiveness. Whenever a Tokugi is declared against you or an ally, you add +2k0 to your next Attack Roll against the Tokugi's user. Furthermore, whenever you use the Guard manoeuver, the person you are Guarding adds +5 to their Armor TN against Tokugi.
Dragon Clan Schools
Mirumoto Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Skills: Athletics, Iaijutsu, Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu (Tokugi), Lore: Theology, Meditation, any one High or Bugei Skill
- Honor: 4.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
- Technique: Twin Dragon Fangs – The Mirumoto were quick to adapt Tokujutsu to their tradition of Niten. You suffer no penalties from dual wielding, or wielding a weapon in your off-hand, when performing a Tokugi, and add your Insight Rank to such Attack Rolls. You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Void element.
Kitsuki War Collegiate [Bushi]
- Replaces: Mirumoto Kenshi 2
- Requirements: Fire 3, Perception 3, Investigation 3
- Technique: Eye of the Collegiate - The Kitsuki analyze and optimize every movement of their Tokugi in order to perform the perfect strike. Their techniques allow to quickly identify and counter enemy Tokugi. You may as a Free Action make a Lore: Tokujutsu/Perception roll to identify a Tokugi as it is performed. When you do so, you add twice your Perception to your Armor TN against this specific Tokugi for one round.
Togashi Blademaster [Bushi]
- Replaces: Mirumoto Kenshi 3
- Requirements: Void 3, Meditation 4, Kenjutsu 3, Jiujutsu 3
- Technique: Empty Palm and Empty Steel - The Togashi have taught their Dragon brethren to glimpse a few moments of enlightenment in order to make the perfect strike. Whenever you spend a Void Point to activate a Tokugi using Kenjutsu or Jiujutsu, you add +1k1 to your Damage Roll, as if you also spent a Void Point on Damage Rolls.
Lion Clan Schools
Akodo Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Strength
- Skills: Battle, Defense, Etiquette, Kenjutsu (Tokugi), Lore : History, Sincerity, any one Bugei or High Skill
- Honor: 6.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
- Technique: The Pride’s Dedication – The Lion has a straightforward approach to Tokujutsu, practicing and perfecting the same Tokugi over and over again to develop their full potential. Whenever you perform a Tokugi without spending a Void Point, you add your Honor to the Attack Roll. You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Water element.
Matsu Blademaster [Bushi]
- Replaces: Akodo Kenshi 2
- Requirements: Strength 4, at least three Weapon Skills 3
- Technique: The Weight of Honor - The Matsu use the strength of their honor to overpower their opponent. You may use your Rank One technique in order to enhance your Damage Roll instead of your Attack Roll.
Ikoma Kensai [Bushi]
- Replaces: Akodo Kenshi 3
- Requirements: Awareness 3, Kenjutsu 4, Battle 4
- Technique: Shadow Persistance - The Ikoma family refuses failure, and this philosophy suffuses every strike of the Kensai. If you fail to strike with a Tokugi, but would succeed without the Raises associated with performing the Tokugi, you may spend a Void Point to negate the Tokugi and strike the opponent with a normal attack instead.
Mantis Clan Schools
Tsuruchi Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Reflexes
- Skills: Athletics, Hunting, Kyujutsu (Tokugi), Lore: Law, Stealth, any one High or Bugei Skill
- Honor: 3.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 bow, 20 arrows, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
- Technique: Marked by the Stinger – The Tsuruchi's obsession with Archery translates to their use of Tokujutsu. When performing a Tokugi during a ranged attack, reduce the opponent's armor bonus to their Armor TN by twice the Tokugi's Mastery Level. You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Air element.
Yoritomo Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Skills: Athletics, Commerce, Intimidation, Jiujutsu, Knives (Tokugi), Sailing, any one Bugei Skill
- Honor: 2.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 7 koku
- Technique: Strike Without Fear – The Yoritomo's approach of Tokujutsu is straightforward, using simple weapons as a mean to deliver elaborate techniques. You suffer no Honor loss for using Peasant weapons, or improvised weapons, and may use them to perform any Tokugi (providing it is possible to do so : you cannot perform ranged Tokugi with melee weapons). You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Fire element.
Moshi Sunseeker [Bushi]
- Replaces: Tsuruchi Kenshi 2, Yoritomo Kenshi 2
- Requirements: Air 3, Fire 3
- Technique: Steel Bathed in Sun - The Sunseekers are tasked with protecting the children of the Sun, and do so with strange, shimmering blades. While in the light of the Sun, you gain a Free Raise on both Tokugi with the Fire or Air element (regardless of your Rank One technique) and you add +1k0 to all Tokugi and Defense rolls.
Phoenix Clan Schools
Shiba Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Intelligence
- Skills: Defense, Etiquette, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, Polearms (Tokugi), Sincerity, any one Lore Skill, any one High or Bugei Skill
- Honor: 5.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
- Technique: Purity of Breath – Harmony with the elements allows the Shiba Kenshi to land his Tokugi with preternatural accuracy. A number of times per day equal to your Insight Rank, if you expend a Void Point to activate a Tokugi, you immediately regain it. You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Void element.
Asako Sword Mystic [Bushi]
- Replaces: Shiba Kenshi 2
- Requirements: At least three Rings 3, Meditation 3
- Technique: Steel Bathed in Sun - Despite being relatively pacifistic, the Asako have developed techniques to reinforce one's master of the Elements, even when using Tokugi. You may spend a Void Point in order to change the element for which you gain a Free Raise on Tokugi. This effects lasts for one day, or until you choose to cancel it, as a Free Action.
Scorpion Clan Schools
Bayushi Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Intelligence
- Skills: Acting, Courtier, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Ninjutsu (Tokugi), Sincerity, any one Low or High Skill
- Honor: 2.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
- Technique: Unseen, thus Unmatched – The Scorpion's mastery of Tokujutsu allows them to strike with blistering speed. Whenever you declare a Tokugi, your Initiative is increased by 3 until the end of the Skirmish. You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Fire element.
Shosuro Executioner [Bushi]
- Replaces: Bayushi Kenshi 2
- Requirements: Agility 3, Stealth 3, Ninjutsu 3
- Technique: Shadow-Killing Edge - The Executioner strikes from the shadow, as a shadow, leaving only shadows behind. When performing Tokugi against a helpless or unaware target, or a target suffering from a negative condition, your Raises are not limited in any way.
Soshi Justiciar [Bushi]
- Replaces: Bayushi Kenshi 3
- Requirements: Lore: Law 5, Iaijutsu 3, Intimidation 3
- Technique: Fair as a Scorpion - The Soshi Justiciar dispenses the justice of the Scorpion with swiftness and accuracy. During a Iaijutsu duel, if you use a Tokugi and your opponent doesn't, add +5 to your Strike Roll. If your opponent uses a Tokugi and you don't, add +5 to your Focus Roll.
Spider Clan Schools
Daigotsu Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Willpower
- Skills: Hunting, Intimidation, Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu (Tokugi), Lore : Shadowlands, Stealth, any one Bugei Skill
- Honor: 1.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
- Technique: Perfection Without Light – Shourido teaches the Daigotsu Kenshi to strike with cruel perfection, no matter the cost. You may lose 3 Honor instead of spending a Void Point to activate a Tokugi. You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Earth element.
Goju Shadowblade [Bushi]
- Replaces: Daigotsu Kenshi 2
- Requirements: Agility 3, Ninjutsu 3, Forbidden Knowledge: Lying Darkness Advantage
- Technique: Phantoms of Regret - The Goju have supplied the Daigotsu with efficient techniques that allow them to blend into shadows and evade retribution. When performing Tokugi, if you are hidden, you may declare an additional Raise. If you do, you remain hidden in case of a successful strike.
Hand of Venom [Bushi]
- Replaces: Daigotsu Kenshi 3
- Requirements: Jiujutsu 3
- Technique: Strength in Pain - The Sohei of the Spider know how to disrupt the rhythm of chi and stop Tokujutsu before it is used. When striking your opponent, you may declare any number of Raises. Any Tokugi your opponent performs until the beginning of the next Reaction Stage must call the same number of Raises for no effect, in addition to the normal number of Raises needed to perform the Tokugi.
Oni-Bujin [Bushi]
- Replaces: Any Kenshi 4 or 5
- Requirements: Jiujutsu 3, any Weapon Skill 5. Must be Tainted or Lost.
- Technique: Dark Lord's Triumph - The dark abilities of the Shadowlands Taint infuses the body of the Oni-Bujin, allowing them to perform terrifying strikes. You may gain a point of Shadowlands Taint to activate a Tokugi. You gain a bonus in unkept dice equal to your Shadowlands Taint Rank to all Tokugi rolls.
Unicorn Clan Schools
Shinjo Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Perception
- Skills: Athletics, Defense, Etiquette, Horsemanship, Kenjutsu (Tokugi), Sincerity, any one High or Bugei Skill
- Honor: 5.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
- Technique: Heart of the Wilds – The Shinjo's unique approach to Tokujutsu is tied to their harmony with their steeds. While on horseback, you may add your Horsemanship to the total of all Tokugi rolls. You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Water element.
Utaku Blade-Queen [Bushi]
- Replaces: Shinjo Kenshi 2
- Requirements: Water 3, Horsemanship 3, Honor 6+
- Technique: Utaku's Gaze - Unsurprisingly, the Utaku excel in the art of mounted combat, overwhelming their opponents with brutal assaults from above. As long as you are mounted and fighting unmounted opponents, your Raises when performing Tokugi are not limited in any way.
Moto Endbringer [Bushi]
- Replaces: Shinjo Kenshi 3
- Requirements: Water 3, Strength 4, Horsemanship 3
- Technique: Wrath of the Steppes - Whether with their signature scimitars or with other weapons, the Moto capitalize on their opponent's weaknesses and wounds to finish them off quickly. Whenever you use Tokugi against a wounded opponent, the opponent's Armor TN is decreased by their Wound Penalties (to a maximum of 5x your Insight Rank).
Imperial Clan Schools
Seppun Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Perception
- Skills: Defense, Etiquette, Investigation, Kenjutsu (Tokugi), Kyujutsu, Sincerity, any one High Skill
- Honor: 6.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
- Technique: Majesty of the Throne – The Seppun's watchful eye offers no compromise. When performing under Imperial duty, you gain a +1k0 bonus on all rolls with the Tokugi emphasis. You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Water element.
Opal Magistrate [Bushi]
- Replaces: Any Kenshi 3
- Requirements: Lore: Tokujutsu 3, Lore: Law 3, Investigation 3
- Technique: Opal Perfection - Opal Magistrates regulate the use of Tokugi and regulate Iaijutsu duels, serving alongside Emerald Magistrates. You learn any two Tokugi; furthermore, by spending a Void Point when witnessing a Tokugi you do not know, but are able to perform, you may learn this Tokugi until the end of the day.
Minor Clan Schools
Toku Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Willpower
- Skills: Athletics, Etiquette, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Lore: History, Staves (Tokugi), any one High or Bugei Skill
- Honor: 6.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
- Technique: Deathless Blade – Tokujutsu is perfectly adapted to the Monkey's flamboyant and daring swordmanship in the face of defeat. When performing Tokugi, you reduce your Wound Penalties by twice the Tokugi's Mastery Level until the next Reation Stage. You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Earth element.
Suzume Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Awareness
- Skills: Calligraphy, Etiquette, Hunting, Kenjutsu (Tokugi), Lore: History, any one High Skill, any one Bugei Skill
- Honor: 6.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
- Technique: The Poet's Edge – Developed by the endeavors of the Sparrow, this School, open to all Minor Clans, teaches swiftness, patience and beauty. When performing Tokugi, the maximal number of Raises you can make is increased by one. This only applies to Raises made specifically to activate a Tokugi. You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Air element.
Ronin/Generic Schools
Wandering Kenshi [Bushi]
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Skills: Athletics, Defense, Hunting, Intimidation, Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu (Tokugi), any one Bugei Skill
- Honor: 3.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
- Technique: The Errant Blade – Without proper teachings to master a small number of Tokugi, Ronin compensate with sheer versatility. You begin play learning an additional Tokugi. You gain a Free Raise on Tokugi with the Fire element.
Kenshi Weaponsmaster [Bushi]
- Replaces: Any Kenshi 3 or 4
- Requirements: Any Ring 4, Any Weapon Skill 5
- Technique: Cut Down the Soul - Despite their techniques differing from standard Bushi training, Kenshi are often trained to attack with the swiftness of the elements - be it the speed of avalanches, the relentless advance of wildfires, the changing tides, or the furious hurricanes. You may make attacks (including this attack) as Simple Actions with any weapon for which you possess at least 5 skill ranks.
page revision: 17, last edited: 28 Jun 2021 20:36