Minor Clan Tables

D10 Roll Result

  • 1-3 Shameful Past: Roll on Table 6.11
  • 4-7 Illustrious Past: Roll on Table 6.12
  • 8-0 Mixed Blessings: Roll on Table 6.13

Table 1: Minor Clans Shameful Past

D10 Roll Result

  • 1 Your ancestor was a disbeliever and has passed down this lack of belief to his descendants. You begin play with the Disbeliever Disadvantage.
  • 2-3 Your ancestor thought he was getting the better end of a deal with a Great Clan merchant patron, only to discover too late that he had been tricked. Your family has been impoverished ever since. Start with two fewer koku in your Outfit.
  • 4-5 Your ancestor failed to perform a service for the clan, tarnishing his honor and standing. His failure haunts your line to this day. Your starting Honor is 1.0 lower and your starting Status is 0.1 lower.
  • 6-7 Your ancestor was considered one of the ugliest men in Rokugan, and you have his face. Gain the Disturbing Countenance Disadvantage.
  • 8-9 Your ancestor got the better of a Great Clan courtier in the Imperial Court. The courtier’s family has held a grudge against yours ever since. You gain the Sworn Enemy Disadvantage.
  • 0 Your ancestor was a member of one of the fallen Minor Clans or families (Snake, Boar, Gusai family, etc). Gain the Dark Secret Disadvantage.

Table 2: Minor Clans Illustrious Past

D10 Roll Result

  • 1 A particular kami took an interest in your family line, and it senses a similarity to your ancestor in you. You may take the Friendly Kami Advantage (if you are a shugenja) or the Friend of the Elements Advantage for one less Experience Point.
  • 2-3 Your ancestor made political connections with members of a Great Clan, connections which have lasted to this day. You gain a 3-point Ally Advantage in that clan for no Experience Point cost.
  • 4-5 Your ancestor was a genius on the battlefield. Due to his actions, others believe you and your family are honorable warriors as well. Gain 1.0 Glory.
  • 6-7 Your ancestor was extremely skilled in the ways of your clan, and you have carried on his legacy. Gain one Rank in an iconic School Skill for your school.
  • 8-9 One of your ancestors helped establish one of your clan’s original villages. Your family has been caretaker of those lands since that time. Your starting Outfit gains 2 koku and you may take the Gentry Advantage for one less Experience Point.
  • 0 Your family has always lived in the heartlands of your clan and you have grown up learning its fields and hills like your own home. You gain the Way of the Land Advantage for your clan’s land.

Table 3: Minor Clans Mixed Blessings

D10 Roll Result

  • 1 Your family has long maintained a close relationship with the Imperial families, but this has caused you to suffer from the jealousy of Great Clan samurai. You begin play with a free 3-point Ally among the Imperial families (if you are Tortoise, it is a 4-point Ally instead), but you also start with a 3-point Sworn Enemy in a Great Clan.
  • 2-3 Your ancestor discovered something very interesting - and very taboo. You may take the Forbidden Knowledge Advantage for one less Experience Point.
  • 4-5 Your ancestor saved the life of a paragon from a Great Clan family. That family has looked out for your line since that time and recently arranged for your marriage to a member of the Imperial families. You gain the Imperial Spouse Advantage, but are under a 3-Point Obligation to the family who arranged the marriage.
  • 6-7 Due to various mishaps and misfortunes, you are the last of your line and have all your family’s titles and responsibilities resting squarely on your shoulders. Perhaps there is a reason your family members keep dying mysteriously? You gain +1.0 Status but also gain the Bad Fortune (Unknown Enemy) Disadvantage.
  • 8-9 Your ancestor was involved with some shady dealings with a member of one of the Great Clans. The deals went in your ancestor’s favor, and the details have been passed on to you. You gain a 3-point Blackmail Advantage against someone in one of the Great Clans, but since they know that you hold the information you also gain the Sworn Enemy Disadvantage with them.
  • 0 Your ancestor was a craftsman of singular skills. One of his creations was passed on to you. You gain a single item of superior quality (an Excellent item if using the optional advanced crafting rules in this book); however, the item was originally intended as a gift for a member of a Great Clan, and his family wants it back.
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