Dragon Clan Tables
D10 roll result
- 1-2 Shameful Past: Roll on Table 1
- 3-5 Illustrious Past: Roll on Table 2
- 6-0 Mixed Blessings: Roll on Table 3
Table 1: Shameful Dragon Past
D10 Roll result
- 1 Your ancestor gave away vital information about Dragon troop movements. His foolishness still haunts your family’s reputation. You gain the Infamous Disadvantage.
- 2-3 Your ancestor was the victim of an elaborate confi dence scheme which ended with his seppuku. Unfortunately, you share his weaknesses and your family’s status has never recovered from his failure. You gain the Gullible Disadvantage and lose 0.5 Status.
- 4-5 Your ancestor lacked the courage to face the enemies of the Dragon, fleeing from battle. It is up to you to rebuild your family’s reputation. You start with 0.0 Glory and it will take you twice as long (20 Glory Points) to reach Glory Rank 1.
- 6-7 Your mother became pregnant with you after swearing an oath of celibacy to her daimyo. She committed seppuku after giving birth. You start with the Black Sheep disadvantage.
- 8-9 Your ancestor successfully pursued a love match within another clan, disrupting others’ marriage plans and earning their eternal hatred. You gain a Nemesis within that clan.
- 0 Your ancestor lost focus during an alchemy experiment, causing it to fail horribly. Ever since then your family has been cursed with Epilepsy, and you are no exception.
Table 2: Illustrious Dragon Past
D10 Roll result
- 1 Your ancestor was signifi cantly involved in a famous major battle of his time. Gain a free 2-point Ally from another clan of your choice and 1 rank in the Lore Skill for that clan.
- 2-3 Your ancestor performed admirably while occupying a high-profi le position in the Dragon Clan. You gain 1 free Rank in a High Skill of your choice.
- 4-5 Your ancestor had a romantic affair during winter court that was the inspiration for many pillow books. Some of that past glory refl ects on you. You gain 0.5 Glory and may take the Advantage Seven Fortunes Blessing: Benten’s Blessing for 1 less Experience Point.
- 6-7 Your ancestor played an instrumental role in a small battle. You gain 1 free Rank in a Bugei Skill of your choice.
- 8-9 Your ancestor died while carrying the clan banner in battle. His superiors found him still holding it upright the next morning. Your family still reveres his name and his glory redounds to your benefit. You gain 1.0 Glory and 0.5 Honor.
- 0 Your ancestor was a tattooed man famous for his unusual nature - including the fact that he married and had children. You gain 1 free Rank in any one Skill which is not a School Skill for you.
Table 3: Dragon Mixed Blessings
D10 Roll result
- 1 One of your parents was of the Tattooed Order and you were given a tattoo shortly before your gempukku. Unfortunately, your mind was not fully prepared for such power. You gain a Togashi tattoo of the GM’s choice, but you also gain the Enlightened Madness Disadvantage connected to the tattoo.
- 2-3 One of your ancestors picked up an item from a battlefi eld on a whim. It has since been passed down to you. Although no one is quite sure what it does, family legend speaks of a spirit that makes its home within…
- 4-5 Your ancestor escalated a minor matter of honor into a duel to the death with a samurai from another clan. He won the duel, fortunately, but it was his temper which brought it on in the fi rst place. You have inherited his nature and legacy. You gain 1.0 Glory and 1 free Rank in the Lore Skill for the clan of the duelist he defeated, but you also gain the Brash Disadvantage.
- 6-7 Your family has never been wealthy, but your ascetic lifestyle has helped you on the path to enlightenment. You gain 1 free Rank in the Meditation Skill, but you also have the Ascetic Disadvantage.
- 8-9 Your ancestor was a very creative soul, but saw into the Elements too deeply. You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Craft rolls, but you also gain the Frail Mind Disadvantage.
- 0 Your ancestor followed one of the False Paths. You may take the Sage Advantage for 1 less Experience Point, but you also gain the Disbeliever Disadvantage.
page revision: 1, last edited: 10 Jun 2019 11:54