Brotherhood of Shinsei Tables

D10 Roll Result

  • 1-3 Shameful Past: Roll on Table 1
  • 4-8 Illustrious Past: Roll on Table 2
  • 9-0 Mixed Blessings: Roll on Table 3

Table 1: Brotherhood of Shinsei Shameful Past

D10 Roll Result

  • 1 Your master was a heretic who was devoted to a False Path rather than to following the Tao or the Fortunes. As a result, your own teachings are fatally skewed. You must take the Consumed Disadvantage.
  • 2-3 The shrine or temple where you were trained was in an exceptionally impoverished area of the Empire. You begin play with the Ascetic Disadvantage for no points.
  • 4-5 Your temple teaches that everyone should always question the world at all times in order to have any chance of Enlightenment. You gain the Contrary Disadvantage for no points.
  • 6-7 The temple in which you were trained is home to monks who have little true piety and often engage in improper behavior. Many of them do not really follow the Tao or the Fortunes at all. You gain either the Disbeliever Disadvantage or the Infamy Disadvantage (your choice) for no points.
  • 8-9 The temple where you were trained teaches obsessive self-reliance above all else. You gain the Overconfident Disadvantage for no points.
  • 0 Something within the temple where you were raised is tainted by darkness. Gain either 1 Rank of the Shadowlands Taint or one Shadow Rank, as chosen by the GM.

Table 2: Brotherhood of Shinsei Illustrious Past

D10 Roll Result

  • 1 The calm of a placid lake flows through all those trained in your temple. You gain the Balance Advantage.
  • 2-3 Your temple focuses on physical advancement more than on spiritual study, and thereby promotes bold actions. You gain the Daredevil Advantage.
  • 4-5 Your temple was built on a location beloved by the spirits of a particular Element, and all monks of that temple are favored by that Element. You gain the Elemental Blessing Advantage in whichever Element your temple favors.
  • 6-7 Your temple has a singular martial tradition which uses a specific weapon to teach unity of body and spirit. You gain 1 free Rank in a Weapon Skill of your choice.
  • 8-9 You and your temple have protected a group of villages from harm for generations. Word of the deeds of your temple has spread among the commoners. You gain the Hero of the People Advantage.
  • 0 You were taught by an exceptional sensei, perhaps even a descendant of Shinsei himself, and gained deep insight into the world and yourself. You may take the Enlightened Advantage for only 3 points.

Table 3: Brotherhood of Shinsei Mixed Blessings

D10 Roll Result

  • 1 Your temple is the keeper of knowledge entrusted to it by a powerful samurai, perhaps even the Emperor himself. You gain the Forbidden Knowledge Advantage and a 3-point Obligation to the samurai who entrusted the information to your temple.
  • 2-3 Your temple is known to be far more worldly than it should. You gain the Infamous Disadvantage, but add 2 koku to your Outfit.
  • 4-5 The temple where you were trained focused upon individual study of the Tao above all else, including human contact. You gain the Sage Advantage but also a 2-point Antisocial Disadvantage..
  • 6-7 One of the Fortunes smiles upon your temple, but this has caused the monks there to focus solely upon the things that Fortune finds important. You gain either the Seven Fortune’s Blessing Advantage or the Inari’s Blessing Advantage, but also gain the Driven Disadvantage in a form connected to the goals of the chosen Fortune.
  • 8-9 You were born a samurai, but were forced to join the Brotherhood before completing your gempukku. There are members of your family who are not happy about this fact. You gain the Forced Retirement Disadvantage but also gain a 3-Point Ally Advantage with someone in your former clan.
  • 0 Your sensei venerated certain moral values highly, but rejected others as unimportant. You gain the Paragon Advantage for one tenet of Bushido, but also gain the Failure of Bushido Disadvantage for a different tenet. (This overturns the normal restrictions on taking these Advantages/Disadvantages.)
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